Swagger Interactive UI: http://<env>.mydbsync.com/<version>/api-docs/v1/partner#!/default/all.

REST API Endpoint: http://<env>.mydbsync.com/<version>/appcode/v1/partner.

Please reach out to your Account Manager to get access to API for developing and production use.

If connecting to our Staging (Pre-Release) for development, use:

  • Environment: staging
  • Version: appcenter-2-2

Corresponding URLs will be

All requests and responses require "POST" method calls with valid API environment and version. All request and responses are in JSON.

ReST API Methods:

Use the Swagger API Explorer to try out the API's


Available methods for Partner API v1 are:

Newly created user:

Success unregistering or failure with error:

License Detail for the user:

License details of users if, the endUserCompany is not set; or, it returns only licenses for particular users of that company.