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Setting up GCloud Console Project

The very first step should be to create and set up a GCloud Console Project. Following are the steps to do so:

Then the next step is to create a service account, use the following steps to do so:

  • Make sure that you have selected the newly created project from the project selector on the top navbar.
  • Once selected, from the left menu, under “APIs & Services” select “Credentials”.
  • Click “Manage Service Account” and under the Service Accounts page, click the “Create Service Account” button on the top.
  • Give a proper name to the service account (Our code should not affect the name that is used).
  • It will pre-fill email, update in case you want to change as this would not affect our code.
  • Enter a proper description, again this should not affect the code.
  • Click “Create”
  • Once created, it will ask to select a Role, select Project > Owner as the role, and click Continue.
  • The next step is to grant service account access, there are 2 text boxes, in both the text boxes, enter the super admin account email id and click “Done”.
  • Once created, it will take you to the Service Account Manage page where the newly created Service Account will be listed.
  • Click on the Service Account and it will take you to the Service Account Details page. Click Edit to start editing the account.
  • Once saved, under the Keys section, Create a new key, use JSON format. Make sure you download the key as it would not let you download the key later. 
  • On the Service Account Details page, make sure you copy the Unique Id shown on that page as we will need it later (It will look something similar to '117173051217199643714')

Now it’s time to set up the libraries, use the following steps to set it up:

  • Make sure that you have selected the newly created project from the project selector on the top navbar.
  • Once selected, from the left menu, under “APIs & Services” select “Library”.
  • Enable the following APIs for our project:
    1. Admin SDK

    2. Gmail API

    3. Google Drive API

    4. Google Calendar API

    5. People API

  • Once enabled you will see the enabled list under APIs & Services > Dashboard.
  • Once APIs are enabled for the project, we have to now setup Scopes, use the following steps to do the same
  • Go to: https://admin.google.com/
  • Login using the Super Admin Credentials.
  • Under “Security” go to “API Controls” and click “Manage Domain Wide Delegation”
  • Click on “Add New” and enter the unique ID copied in the above step inside the Client ID textbox.
  • Add the following list of scopes (comma separated)
  • Once done, click “Authorize”.
  • Now use this special generated key Json in the DBSync GSuite Setup page.
  • No labels


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