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  • If Quickbooks Customer has hierarchy structures enabled, then the following changes have to be implemented within your DBSync mappings to facilitate hierarchy mappings.

  • Let's say Avankia & DBSync are the Parent Name & Child Name in Database then Avankia & DBSync are Customer & Job in QuickBooks respectively.

  • Go to the location where pdl is present and open the workflow where Customer hierarchy mapping to be done

  • Two sequence has to be created with in the workflow

  • The first sequence validate row should contain a condition to check ParentRef field which contains Customer name so that the mapping for the sequence works

  • Example – IF(ISEMPTY(VALUE("ParentRef/ListID")),"true","false")

  • Map Name field of QuickBooks to Parent Name column in Database for the first sequence

  • Example – Parent Name - VALUE("Name")

  • The Second sequence validate row should contain the condition to check for the hierarchy level 1

  • Example - IF(ISEMPTY(VALUE("ParentRef/ListID")),"false",IF(EQUALS(VALUE("Sublevel"),"1"), "true","false"))

  • Map Name field of QuickBooks to Child Name column in Database

  • Example – Child Name – VALUE("Name")

  • Map QuickBooks Customer Name with the Parent Name column in Database

  • Example - Parent Name- LSPLIT(VALUE("ParentRef/FullName"),":"),

  • Third and other sequence depends upon the number of sub level ie the hierarchy level of the Child Name

  • Example – if the hierarchy level is 2 then configure third sequence with the following trigger  and so on

  • Example - IF(ISEMPTY(VALUE("ParentRef/ListID")),"false",IF(EQUALS(VALUE("Sublevel"),"2"), "true","false"))

  • Once Sequence are added save the workflow and close
