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Parent Name


Child Name



Sub level

For Integration from QuickBooks into Database


  • If Quickbooks Customer has hierarchy structures enabled, then the following changes have to be implemented within your DBSync mappings to facilitate hierarchy mappings.
  • Let's say Avankia & DBSync are the Parent Name & Child Name in Database then Avankia & DBSync are Customer & Job in QuickBooks respectively.
  • Go to the location where pdl is present and open the workflow where Customer hierarchy mapping to be done
  • Based on hierarchy level the number of sequences has to be created with in the workflow.
    • Example: If hierarchy level is 2 then three sequences has to be created  with in the workflow
  • Mappings required in the first sequence
    • The validate row should contain a condition to check ParentRef field which contains Customer name so that the mapping for the sequence works
      Example : IF(ISEMPTY(VALUE("ParentRef/ListID")),"true","false")
    • Map Name field of QuickBooks to Parent Name column in Database for the first sequence
      Example : Parent Name - VALUE("Name")
    • Map Sublevel field of QuickBooks to Hierarchy column in Database. If Sublevel value is 0 then it refers to Parent Name
      Example: Hierarchy - VALUE("Sublevel")
  • Mappings required in the second sequence
    • The validate row should contain the condition to check for the hierarchy level as 1
      Example : IF(ISEMPTY(VALUE("ParentRef/ListID")),"false",IF(EQUALS(VALUE("Sublevel"),"1"), "true","false"))
    • Map Name field of QuickBooks to Child Name column in Database
      Example: Child Name - VALUE("Name")
    • Map QuickBooks Customer Name with the Parent Name column in Database
      Example : Parent Name - LSPLIT(VALUE("ParentRef/FullName"),":")
    • Map Sublevel field of QuickBooks to Hierarchy column in Database. If Sublevel value is 1 then it refers to first Child Name
      Example: Hierarchy - VALUE("Sublevel")
  • Mappings required in the third sequence
    • Third and other sequence depends upon the number of Sublevel ie the hierarchy level of the Child Name
    • If the hierarchy level is 2 then configure the third sequence with the following trigger and so on
      Example : IF(ISEMPTY(VALUE("ParentRef/ListID")),"false",IF(EQUALS(VALUE("Sublevel"),"2"), "true","false"))
    • Map Sublevel field of QuickBooks to Hierarchy column in Database. If Sublevel value is 2 then it refers to second Child Name
      Example: Hierarchy - VALUE("Sublevel")


  • In DBSync platform, under Customer Workflow, click the More option within Rule section.
    • Enable Update Source
    • Select Update Source as Database
    • Select Operations as Upsert
    • Select Target object as table name (Example: customer_status_dbsync)
  • Click "On Success" and following are the mapping for success criteria 
    • the validate row should contain the condition as "true" so that the mapping for the sequence works
    • Map customer id  of QuickBooks with customer id field of database 
    • Map newid  of QuickBooks with  QuickBooks id field of database 
    • Write QuickBooks status field as "Synced"
    • Save and Close the page
  • Click "On Error" and following are the mapping for error criteria
    • the validate row should contain the condition as "true" so that the mapping for the sequence works
    • Map customer id  of QuickBooks with customer id field of database 
    • Write QuickBooks status field as "Not Synced"
    • Save and Close the page
  • Click "Save Workflow" once the above changes are made

For Integration from Database into QuickBooks

  • Create a new workflow DBCustomer2QBCustomerHirearchy which is similar to DBCustomer2QBCustomer
  • Select Datasource as Database
  • Click switch to advanced view and add the same query as present in DBCustomer2QBCustomer
  • Add where condition not equal to ParentName along with other conditions in the above query
  • Save and close the Advanced Query Builder page
  • Create a new rule CustomerHirearchy
  • Select target customer as QuickBooks, select operation as insert and select target object as customer
  • Use similar properties as given in customer insert sequence under DBCustomer2QBCustomer workflow such as batch size and primary key
  • Click map and provide the mappings as given in customer insert sequence under DBCustomer2QBCustomer workflow
  • Once the mappings are completed, add following changes in the Mapping window
    • Target == "CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/ParentRef/FullName"
    • Source Field == "VALUE("ParentName")"
  • Save and close the rule, later save the workflow
  • Similarly for customer insert rule under DBCustomer2QBCustomer workflow, in Advanced Query Builder under Query add where condition equal to ParentName along with other condition
  • Once done with all the above-mentioned changes, run the sync and data will be integrated into Quickbooks with their respective hierarchies in place
  • This concludes Customer hierarchy mappings to insert data from Database into Quickbooks.


  • QuickBooks can support up to five hierarchy level
