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  • Under DBCustomer2QBCustomer workflow,  Click click Advanced Query Builder and add condition "ParentName equal to null" along with other condition
  • Save and close the Advanced Query Builder page and save the DBCustomer2QBCustomer workflow
  • Create a new workflow DBCustomer2QBCustomerHirearchy which is similar to DBCustomer2QBCustomer
  • Select Datasource as Database
  • Click switch to advanced view and add the same query as present in DBCustomer2QBCustomer
  • Change query condition "ParentName not equal to null" along with other conditions from the above query
  • Save and close the Advanced Query Builder page
  • Create a new rule CustomerHirearchy
  • Select target customer as QuickBooks, select operation as insert and select target object as customer
  • Use similar properties as given in customer insert sequence under DBCustomer2QBCustomer workflow such as batch size and primary key
  • Click map and provide the mappings as given in customer insert sequence under DBCustomer2QBCustomer workflow
  • Once the mappings are completed, add following changes in the Mapping window
    • Target == "CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/ParentRef/FullName"
    • Source Field == "VALUE("ParentName")"
  • Save and close the rule, later save the workflow
  • Once done with all the above-mentioned changes, run the sync and data will be integrated into Quickbooks with their respective hierarchies in place
  • This concludes Customer hierarchy mappings to insert data from Database into Quickbooks.
