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When the Chart Of Account(COA)- In example-Speciality Revenue - Cdn1$ is missing in Quickbooks Desktop when syncing products (inventory) from CRM/SF to QuickBooks Desktop.


We need to add the COA in Quickbooks.

First, we need to login to the Quickbooks as an Admin.

Then, we need to click on Lists>>Chart of Accounts or press the shortcut key CTRL+A.


Then, Chart Of Accounts Window will open. There Here, we need to click on Account>>New or press Shortcut key CTRL+N.

Then, a Window to create new Chart of Account will open.

Click on the Radio Button—Other Account Type and Select >>Other income.


Then, Other Income Account Type Window will open and fill the details - like Account name etc in it. Select Tax-line Mapping as Income: Other Income. Then, Click Save&Close.

Then the new COA (Ex-Name>>Speciality Revenue CDN1$ and Type>>Other Income) will be created.
