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  • Double Click on the Process Name "DatabaseSync" to open the process in the Control flow for DatabaseSync process. The process will contain 2 States by default:


  1. Start_state


  1. End_state
  • Drag the Create State Button onto the control flow Area to create a new state. Enter the state name as "Execute" and click on OK Button. A new state will be created and placed on control flow area.


  •   Image Modified

  • Wiki Markup
    Click on *\[X\]* icon on *Start_state* to delete the default control flow from *Start_State* to *End_state.*
  • Right Click\connect on Start_state followed by left click on Execute will create a control flow from Start_state to Execute. Right Click\connect on Execute followed by left click on End_state will create a control flow from Execute to End_state. All the control flows are displayed using arrows from one state to other state. Below you will find 2 screenshots one containing no control flow and second containing control flow as Start_state to Execute to End_state. Once done click on Save button at the top right corner of the window.
