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Replicate Salesforce data into Redshift Using Datapipeline:

Performance tuning for Loading data into Redshift

Launch DBSync Cloud Replication for


The goal of this white paper is to help you to understand how to increase the download performance into redshift by using an intermediate AWS RDS instance and push the whole load using AWS data pipeline.

We review in detail how to set up an AWS Data pipeline and steps to achieve clean download maintaining scalability and performance. After reading this whitepaper you will be able to make an educated decision and choose the solution that best fits your needs. 

Setting up AWS Datapipeline for RDS MySQL to RedShift

  • We shall make use of an intermediate RDS instance to load data into Redshift. To do so we need to first connect our Salesforce and any Staging Databases like RDS MySQL on AWS.
  • In your amazone console goto Analytics and select datapipeline. As per your requirement you can select the template from the "source" button in my case i need move data from my MySQL RDS to RedShift. Also based on your requirements you will be able to create deploy your custom templates for deploying datapipeline.

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  • As per your requirement you will be able to schedule through the console. I have scheduled for every week starting from 17-11-2015 also specified a convenient time so that we can make sure that there is no much load on the server.Image Removed
  • Set your database parameter and additional setting on the "parameter" section also you will be able to change the data type conversion etc. You will be allowed to modify your requirement in templates. 

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  • Next step is "Pipeline Configuration" you can store you logs in s3 bucket also you have an option to disable to logs in it. Specify your IAM roles on the console.
  • You can check and edit your configuration in "Edit in Architect" 

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  • In Architect you have option to modify update and change your template properties. You have "Add activity" tab to add any type of activity you need to attach with pipeline configuration. Add Data Node for adding more source and targets into your pipeline. "Export" option used for exporting your template code
  • Next step is you need to save the pipeline and Activate it. 

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  • After activation you can monitor the logs while you click on the data-pipeline. 

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Salesforce from AWS Marketplace with 1-Click

DBSync Cloud Replication can be launched into AWS with 1-Click, thus pay only for what you use, by the hour or by the month.

Login to with your login credentials. Search AWS Marketplace for Cloud Replication for Salesforce. Select Cloud Replication for Salesforce sold by DBSync.

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Review Pricing Details for the required region and click on Continue.

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1-Click Lauch tab will be highlighted. Select appropriate Version, Region, EC2 Instance Type, VPC Settings, Security Group, Key Pair. If you want to Launch DBSync Cloud Replication with EC2 console, click on Launch with EC2 Console and follow the instructions.

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You get to choose the required version of DBSync Cloud Replication when multiple versions are available.

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Select the required region.

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Review specifications and Pricing details of different types of available EC2 instances. Select the required EC2 Instance Type.

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You may choose to launch into EC2 or VPC by selcting the required VPC Settings.

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To select the Security Group, Select Create new based on seller settings. This will open only 8080 port. You may also select your own Security Group. 

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Select the appropriate Key Pair.

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Review Pricing Details. Pricing under Software is for DBSync Cloud Replication for Salesforce.

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Review Monthly Estimate. Software Charges are for DBSync Cloud Replication charges.

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Click on Accept Terms and Launch with 1-Click.
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Use the IP address of this newly launched instance to access DBSync Cloud Replication Console in your browser.

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The URL should be https://<ipaddress>:8080/dbsync

Online wiki in the home page of DBSync Cloud Replication console will lead you to home page of DBSync wiki for Cloud Replication.

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Please refer the below DBSync wiki link to learn more about Navigation & using DBSync Cloud Replication.