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Moving files from one directory to another

# mv source directory/* destination directory/

Copying from one dir to another

Command :

# Cp -r source directory /~/ destination directory 

Stopping tomcat

# ps -ef | grep java

  • Step: To check the logs you can run the command tail -f Catalina. out as illustrated in the screenshot below

# cd /home/dbsync/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/logs

# ls -l

Now Tail the logs

# tail -f catalina.out

The above screenshot shows that the tomcat was running

Step: To access the DBSync Cloud Replication console, please paste thehttp://< IP >:8080/dbsync

Use the http://localhost:8080/dbsync  URL in your browser address bar, and you will be presented with the DBSync Cloud Replication Home page.

Take a backup of profiles

  • Create a backup directory in the home folder

  • mkdir <folder name>

  • Go to the following directory /home/dbsync/dbsync/dbsync-cdm/WEB-INF/profiles/1

  • Use the below command to copy the files present inside the profiles folder

  • cp -r <files> ~/<destination folder>/

Take a backup of Scheduler jobs

  • Create a backup directory in the home folder

  • mkdir <folder name>

  • Go to the following directory dbsync/scheduler

  • Use the below command to copy the files present inside the scheduler folder

  • cp -r <files> ~/<destination folder>/

Take a backup for System.properties
  • Go to the Installation directory


    (go to the installation directory)

    cd apache-tomcat-dbsync/dbsync-cdm/WEB-INF/db/conf

  • Use the below command to copy the files present inside the conf folder

  • cp -system.properties ~/<destination folder>/

Take backup for <database>.properties files
  • Go to the Installation directory


    (go to the installation directory)

    cd apache-tomcat-dbsync/dbsync-cdm/WEB-INF/db/conf

  • Use the below command to copy the files present inside the conf folder

  • cp -r <database>.properties ~/<destination folder>/

    Example for MYSQL

    cp -r mysql.properties~/<destination Folder>/