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The user User management can be done through the DBSync App center of from the "Users" tab which can be accessed from left side navigation as shown in the below image, The users module will list all the Users Tab on the left navigation sidebar - as shown on the following page. 

The users module lists all active users associated with one platform license. The An Administrator has access to can add new user, change the existing user details and, delete the existing user record from DBSync's platform.

Image Modified

The users module will allow you allows users to do these following operations.:

  • Update , or Delete user detaildetails
  • Change password
  • Reset session 

User detail 

The user User detail page will allow you allows users to view and change the user specific information - like first name, last name and phone number. you should click Click on Edit button against an specific user record as shown in the screen shot to land on user the Edit to open a User detail page. You User must be logged in as administrator to change the administrator specific details, The administrator can change the details of other users if any displayed in the panelan Administrator to make changes to a User's record.


User Name

The user name is usually the Email Id of the user that is used to login into the DBSync platform.
PasswordThe password link , that can be used to change your user current password.

The role of the user represents the DBSync's system role which . This allows the a user to do undertake specific task which tasks that are assigned on in specific user groups.

User will have no control to change the A User can not change a role in the system.


There are currently only Active status has two values of Active status; True : True and False. True, represents users which that are active in the system, . False represent users that are not activeinactive

in the system.

First NameEditable field in which you can change your Change first name.
Last NameEditable field in which you can change your Change last name.
PhoneEditable field in which you can change your Change phone number.
EmailThe Email Id is the user name username that is used during the registration process with the platform.
CompanyThe company name Company name represents name of a company to which the a user is mapped with in the system.

Change Password 

The change password link can be used to change the password of the an existing user in the system. The password characters are masked as with dots in the text fields, User has to fill the old password, then input the new password followed by re-entering the new password and save it to update the password to a text field. A User is required to input his/her old, and new, password and click save to update his/her password in the system.

The change password page can be accessed in from the App center in three different ways from the app center:

  • From the User module, Click click on Change password link to access the change password page.
  • Click on Edit across any user record, Then from the user detail section next to a user's name. Then, from the User detail section, access change password page via change password link.
  • From the Company module → users module, go to Users tab and click of Edit across any user record to land on user next to a user's name. This will open up User detail section.

Reset Session

The reset session will clear the session of the current user, This functionality should be in the following . The following functionality is used in selected scenarios only.

  • Whenever the an Administrator changes the Organizational properties through company administration Company Administration module that include includes "Edit Pdl" , "DBSync URL".
  • Or If the DBSync administrator has added Administrator adds an additional connector license to the user then reset session is used's record.
  • Or if during During the subscription renewal, whenever license date is extended you , an Administrator should clear the users user's cache by resetting the session.