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DBSync for Salesforce and Database Integration is an easy to use solution to integrate . It integrates Salesforce objects like accounts- Accounts, contactsContacts, productsProducts, opportunity Opportunity & opportunity Opportunity line items. Salesforce to Database uni-directional Integration solution is also useful to migrate historical Salesforce data into database.  DBSync DBSync provides uni-directional sync with pre-built field-to-field map mapping along with flexibility for more complex and dynamic mapping capabilities. DBSync also has an automatic online update, enabling DBSync customers to enjoy all the product updates and features with every new release. 


Data Flow

This tutorial serves as an illustration for reading shows how to read various records from Salesforce and writing write to the configured tables of a database. The table below table depicts shows the data flow between various objects of Salesforce objects to the chosen database and Database tables.

Image Added


Process Map

The process map of the unisolution - directional solution between Salesforce  and a and database - is as shown in below following image.

Image Added


Prerequisites For Integration

The integration prerequisites for this integration are as follows follows:

  • Have a valid license licenses to DBSync Salesforce, Database connector Connector and usernameUsername, password Password to connect to with DBSync iPaaS platform.
  • Have your both login Salesforce login and password of the Salesforce to access their web serviceWeb Services.
  • Setup security in Salesforce to connect through to external integration.
  • Should have Have a valid database usernameUsername, passwordPassword, host/IP address and port Port on which database is hosted.
  • The username and password For integration, it is required that the Username and Password configured for Database connector Connector instance should have sufficient privilege to access the database which is required for integration requirementDatabase.


Configuring Source App

The below are Follow the steps to get started with your Salesforce instance and to configure the DBSync's Salesforce connector Connector: 

  1. Click on the Edit of the Salesforce connector Connector to input the Salesforce parameters.
  2. Click on Save to save the settings.

The below following table gives the required, and optional parameter , parameters to be set for establishing a connection Connection of Salesforce from which you would like to can read the data and write to database the Database of your choice.





The username to log into salesforce account.



The password to login to salesforce account






Session Id



For compression


Proxy Host

If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy ip or host>>


Proxy Port

If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy port>>


Proxy Username

If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy username>>


Proxy Password

If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy password>>


Accept Gzip

As Applicable


Send Gzip

As Applicable



Configuring Target App

The below are Follow the steps to get started with a database Database and to configure the database connectorDatabase Connector.

  1. The below following table gives the required, and optional parameter , parameters to be set for establishing a connection of database to the Database and write to write the various tables as chosen selected in the relevant workflows .
  2. Click on save to save the parameter settings.
UsernameDatabase usernameyesYes
PasswordDatabase passwordyesYes
HostHost name or IP address of the database serveryesYes
PortThe port used to connect to database serveryesYes
DatabaseThe name of your databaseyesYes

JDBC Driver for the Databases mentioned in the URL section in the same order.

  • sqlserver
  • oracle
  • mysql
  • postgresssql
  • db2          
  • access
Database URL

JDBC connection string

  • SQLServer:
  • Oracle:
  • mySQL:
  • PostgresSQL:
  • DB2:
  • Access:

For the sake of understanding, I have chosen selected MySQL database with tables as contactslike Contacts, customersCustomers, itemsItems, oppheaderOppheader, opplineitem Opplineitem in which data from Salesforce is dumped. In case if you do not have existing database in which you wish dump the data to databasedatabase schema readily defined, you can use autocreate auto create functionality of database connector which would the Database Connector. This will create the table structure and mapping basing based on the source tableobjects of SF.


DBSync Project Setup

  1. Login into www.mydbsync.com and click . Click on Customer Login.
  2. Enter your DBSync Username and Password and click Click on Login.
  3. Once logged in, Click click on template library menu from the left side navigation.
  4. Search for template name Salesforce To Database: uni-directional template and import to your workspace.
  5. You will be re-directed to connector Connector listing of the Salesforce To Database: uni-directional template.
  6. In the connector Connector listing page, You you can see Salesforce and database Database connector.
  7. Click on Edit to configure connectors respectively and individual connector Connectors respectively. Individual Connector configuration are explained in the subsequent sections.
  8. Now, you can navigate Navigate to the process Process listing page to view the pre-defined mappings.
  9. The various transformations can be applied to the each field through the mapping section and . Then, save the workflow 
  10. Click on the 'Run now Now' button to initiate the integration of the chosen selected workflow.
  11. The sync can be monitored through the log section of . In the and in the event of the error, you can drill down the to each event log to debug and to fix the error at its occurrence.


Guide Lines For customization And Mapping


The above mappings are not standard and vary based on implementation to implementation. The above table shows mapping when an auto-create functionality is used so that all the tables of database replicate the Salesforce objects.


Run Integrations

Integration can be run using scheduler; or, by clicking on the 'Run Now' button. Scheduler job jobs are used to trigger process at scheduled time interval automatically while as manual . Manual trigger of the sync can be initiated by hitting clicking on the Run Now button from the process Process listing page/workflow page.


To Follow the steps to create a scheduler job , one have to follow the below steps.:

  1. Inside a project, Navigate navigate to the scheduler Scheduler page from the left side navigation.
  2. From the 'Add Schedule section, Create schedule section' create a schedule job by selecting . Select the process from the drop down , then choose start on date , start on time , and repeat frequency. and save Save the job. 
  3. If repeat frequency is set to no repeat then, the scheduled job trigger sync just triggers syncs only once - as per scheduled date and time.
  4. If repeat frequency is set to either minutes, hourly, weekly then, the process is scheduled to run at the repeat repeated set frequency.

Run Now 

To manually trigger the sync, one can hit the click 'Run Now' button in the following manner.



  1. From the process listing page.
  2. Hitting the Run Bow button from From workflow listing page.
  3. By hitting the Run Now button from the From the Trigger page.


Related References

Salesforce Connector

Database Connector
