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Quick Start


with DBSync's


SaaS Backup for Salesforce  

This quickstart shows you how to get started to registration flow under the DBSync registration platform with 2 different editions like Developer and Enterprise for On-Cloud.

Steps for Registration

Follow these simple steps to register in in DBSync's Salesforce SaaS Backup for Salesforce portal.

  • Simply log in


  • to the DBSync website www.mydbsync.com to start your free trial developer or enterprise edition.
  • Next, go to the My Account section


  • on the DBSync website and click on Customer login to redirect you to the login page to create an account.


  • Next, click on create an account to go to the edition page includes two editions like Developer and Enterprise On-Cloud.


  • Next, click on the get started button to go to the DBSync registration pop-up to enter your business email.


  • Once


  • you have entered your business email


  • , click on the


  • Next button and it will show you a message "Thank you for your Registration".

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  • Next,


  • you have to check your mailbox after the registration and click on "confirm my account". 

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  • Once


  • you have clicked on


  • confirming my account


  • , it


  •  will redirect you to verifying a few more steps to complete your setup.
  • Next, enter the required field details like "username, name, company, phone, password and confirm password". Select the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions and then click on the


  • Next button.

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  • Once, clicked on the next button then a popup will appear with


  • the message "profile setup is complete".

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  • Next, click on the "Login to Continue" button to complete the registration flow.