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  • DBSync Cloud Replication (Salesforce with Azure Synapse)
  • Azure Synapse Database details in DBSync Replication Profile

DBSync Cloud Replication (Salesforce with MINIO)

  • Go to the database section and select database type as MinIO.


  • Now go to Access Keys and create access keys.

  • After clicking “Create Create access key,” you will see the Access and secret keys. Keep The secret key safe, as it only generates and sees once.

  • Now enter all the credentials and test it.


  • credentials 

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  • Select the format in which you want to save your data in your MinIO

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This section will only be visible once CSV is selected in the “Save As Type”

This option enables you to select the format in which you want to save the data in MinIO

  • Select the Batch size
    Image Added
  • Purge Old Data For a Clean Copy 
     Image Added
    enabling this will clean the old data before performing the clean copy and adding new data to the bucket
  • Test connection
    once all the details are filled test the connection
    Image Modified

  • After Successful Sync, we can see in the bucket(min bucket in my case) a folder created by the same name as the profile name.


  • Going inside, we can see the folders by the same name same as the objects which that we synched are created.

  • Inside Object, we can see the data is saved in CSV/Parquet format.