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  • Make sure that you have selected the newly created project from the project selector on the top navbar.
  • Once selected, from the left menu, under “APIs & Services” select “Credentials”.
  • Click “Manage Service Account” and under the Service Accounts page, click the “Create Service Account” button on the top.
  • Give a proper name to the service account (Our code should not affect the name that is used).
  • It will pre-fill email, update in case you want to change as this would not affect our code.
  • Enter a proper description, again this should not affect the code.
  • Click “Create”
  • Once created, it will ask to select a Role, select Project > Owner as the role, and click Continue.
  • The next step is to grant service account access, there are 2 text boxes, in both the text boxes, enter the super admin account email id and click “Done”.
  • Once created, it will take you to the Service Account Manage page where the newly created Service Account will be listed.
  • Click on the Service Account and it will take you to the Service Account Details page. Click Edit to start editing the account.
  • Click on the “Show Domain Wide Delegation” link and Enable Domain-wide delegation by checking the checkbox. 
    Note, wait for a few minutes when the checkbox is disabled, as noticed it takes a few mins to have the checkbox enabled.
  • Enter proper Product Name here.
  • Click Save.
  • Once saved, under the Keys section, Create a new key, use JSON format. Make sure you download the key as it would not let you download the key later. Download the file as g_suite_credentials.json 
  • On the Service Account Details page, make sure you copy the Unique Id shown on that page as we will need it later (It will look something similar to '117173051217199643714')


