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DBSync MSCRM Proxy Microsoft Dynamics CRM  Proxy Service is required to configure MSCRM OnMicrosoft Dynamics CRM  On-Premise Integration with QuickBooks. The following section illustrates the installation. 

  1. Download the DBSync MSCRM Proxy Microsoft Dynamics CRM  Proxy Service for MS CRM OnMicrosoft Dynamics CRM  On-Premise using the following: link - http://www.mydbsync.com/dbsync2download/currentrelease/DBSyncMSCRMProxy.msi.
  2. Run setup file (DBSyncMSCRMProxySetup.msi) and follow instructions:
  3. Select folder to export files to a particular location.
  4. Open DBSyncMSCRMProxy.exe.config file.
  5. Change the port number from configuration settings on which the service will listen.
  6. You can also change logging settings by giving log level. For disable logging set level to 0.
    For error logging set level to 1.
    For error and warnings, set level to 2.
    For error, warnings and information, set level to 3.
    For logging all, set level to 4.
  7. Run command prompt as Administrator. In command prompt, go to the location where the above files are exported.
  8. Register the service by using following syntax DBSyncMSCRMProxy.exe --register <<instance name>>
  9. Confirm that the service is running with the given instance name in Services section.