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Versions Compared


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  • Create snapshot run command policy issue.

  • Bulk API not working for opportunity and Task objects

  • Logs rendered on new UI is not accurate or not right

  • Cloud: issue while running all objects

  • Log status on UI does not represent the correct state.

  • In Restore page not able to select Object

  • Log Page : sorting issue.

  • Sync fails with an unknown exception.

  • Issue with sorting logs on the UI and Run on logs page

  • Setting API call limits on staging URLs does not work.

  • Disable Clear Logs button and show only active users on report

  • KVB : Incremental  Incremental run with filter criteria issue.

  • Sync process failed if we have column PREFIX + COLUMN NAME length exceeds DB column name limit

  • No scripts work with new version of replication on Linux

  • Cassandra DB logs page count mismatch issue

  • Email report user activity block shows 6 users.

  • Salesforce API limit consuming more API call issue

  • Backup Now doesn't work if user has only SaaS-BR license

  • Log Page : immediate updates of records written not showing (dev-2018).

  • Attribute "mustUnderstand" bound to namespace "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" was already specified for element "ns6:QueryOptions".

  • Logs page - While log is running(In progress) the inner log Elapsed time gives random timings.

  • Delete records are not updating in user report.

  • Read & Download options for Logs are not present under Role Management

  • Clicking on API under Administration tab lands on HTTP Status 500

  • S3 & MongoDB is broken

  • Scheduler page gives pop up for internal server error [500]

  • Mongo DB connection issue : Cannot authenticate with password which contains @

  • Test connection gives "No endpoint" error

  • Salesforce Page : Not able to connect Salesforce through sandbox

  • Sync fails randomly due to Rolling back transaction and shows the status as completed in the UI even when it has completed X%

  • API Usage not showing up for update schema and Db to source command

  • Metadata button enable/disable based on CDM Policy

  • Metadata UI Pane Issue - Show latest sync and sync prior to latest sync

  • Metadata Backup Role Management and Run Command

  • Metadata Backup Scheduler Task

  • On-Premise CDM API Limit Impose Min Value

  • Logs page: Ordering of serial number on logs page is not proper