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Versions Compared


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  1. In Object field exclude, do not allow the user to exclude Id, lastmodified, createdate.
  2. We have Added Support to MySql 8.x - CR/CDM 
  3. We have added the new functionality of Search box on the object page.
  4. Clear the Cassandra Log issue for Microsoft CRM.
  5. CDM On-Premise Edition: Coming up with Support to add new users.

Minor Fixes

  • Fixed Sybase Salesforce Mscrm commands issue
  • Table name and column name prefix support for MongoDB.
  • Table name and column name prefix property are not now working for the config file.
  • Cassandra DB - MSCRM_to_DB Inserting Duplicates (All Records)
  • Export: Attachment File Upload Issue .is fixed
  • PostgreSQL - Export Functionality issue with a new profile is fixed
  • SQLServer DB issue for date type .is fixed 
  • Non-replicatable objects: Bulk API fails for rest of the objects if fails
  • S3 Adapter delete file should contain all the field data.
  • When email recipients on the Advanced Setting page are not set gives Illegal address in string exception.
  • Source to DB command s3 issue is fixed
  • Pagination - Started times on logs are out of order.
  • Log page collapse not showing when Sync is failed.
  • Cassandra DB - Remote System Connection Issue
  • Export: SF metadata page not loading all object when one is selected in the query builder.
  • Scheduler Page: Minutes not showing up
  • Log__c table, profileName column backward compatibility issue.
  • Scheduler firing of few profiles not running.
  • Logs are not in order as per the start date time in the log page.