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Table of Contents


This template provides salesforce.com and QuickBooks Desktop integration for the following dataflows

  • Accounts and Contacts in Salesforce to Customer in QuickBooks
  • Products in Salesforce to Items in QuickBooks
  • Opportunity in Salesforce to Estimates & Invoices,Sales Receipt & Sales Order or Credit Memos in QuickBooks


  • Salesforce Adapter
  • QuickBooks Adapter

Use Case

  • DBSync for Salesforce.com & QuickBooks provides an easy to use application to synchronize Accounts, Contacts, Products and Opportunities to QuickBooks Desktop Customer, Jobs, Products and Invoice.
  • The application provides a pre-built field map along with a flexible advance mapping capability and configuration capability. The application also has an automatic online update so you never have to manually upgrade your application.

Customer Review

"Even with salesforce.com, before installing DBSync .I had to field several call a day from our salespeople asking: "how much did we sell this customer and what did we sell them". Now they get this information directly from salesforce.com. Also for the first time we have been able to implement a system where the salespeople are making collection calls on their own clients. This tool has made my life much simpler. When installing and deploying it DBSync went the extra mile to make sure we were satisfied. This is no "shrink wrapped" app; it will satisfy the most demanding customer."- Gustavo Morles on BodyWell Nutrition

Process Map

























Sales Order


Sales Receipt


Credit Memos


Business Process Flow

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  1. Get the following App from AppExchange https://login.salesforce.com/?startURL=%2Fpackaging%2FinstallPackage.apexp%3Fp0%3D04t600000001g1f&crc=1
  2. It asks for username and password of the Salesforce.com instance where you would like to install DBSync. The username and password should have the administrative privileges to install.
  3. Next you should see the contents of the package in your Salesforce.com instance. Click on Next and then click on Install and then Click on "Deploy Now" button.
  4. Go to setup > Build > 'Custom Objects' menu to see whether "Invoice" object has "deployed" status. If not, click edit adjacent Invoice object, check on "Deployed", and Save.
  5. Go to setup > Customize > Account >'Page Layout' menu to add the "Quickbooks Id" field on the page layout. Save the Account 'page layout.'
  6. Go to setup > Customize > Contact > 'Page Layout' menu to add the "Quickbooks Id" field on the page layout. Save the Contact 'page layout.'


  • Go to setup > Customize > Opportunity > 'Page Layout' menu to move "Generate", "Quickbooks Id" on the Page Layout.

In case you are using Professional version then move "Product Name" and "QuickBooks Item Type" to the layout.
For Professional Version's not having products can use "Product Name" as a single quantity product line item in Invoice, estimate or sales order instead of having Products as in Enterprise edition


Note:In case your salesforce.com instance uses Record Types, the "Generate" drop down might be disabled. To enable the "Generate" drop down, the page layout needs to have the right permissions setup. Contact your Salesforce.com admin if you need further assistance in enabling the "Generate" button.

  • Move Invoices from the Opportunity Related List to the page layout.

Click on Invoices in the Related List Section and hit "edit properties" button. Select columns as Invoices, Invoice number, Total Invoice Amount, Payments, Balance, Days Outstanding, and Transaction Date. See the picture below for the column sequence:
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  1. Go to Setup > Customize > Product > 'Page Layout' to move 'QuickBooks Item type', 'QuickBooks Id', 'COGS' and 'OnHand' field to the page layout.



Out of the box DBSync supports Products/Items in a flat structure and not in Hierarchy as Products in Salesforce.com is not Hierarchical. Please look at our Knowledge base for steps for handling hierarchies in Items from QuickBooks.
At this point, you have successfully completed your Salesforce.com instance setup.

QuickBooks Setup


  1. Open QuickBooks and go to Customer Center
  2. Edit or create a new Customer
  3. Go to Edit Customer -> Additional Info -> Define Fields and create a new label as – OpportunityId (this is case-sensitive)


DBSync Setup


  • Once logged in, you go to Library. The Library contains a set of pre-configured setup. Select the one that suites your requirements. For example, you can select the process "Salesforce QuickBooks: Bidirectional" ad Click on "Add".


  1. Select the Salesforce Tab
  2. Enter Username and password
  3. Make sure you enter your Salesforce Security Token at the end of the password.


  • Once "Add" is selected, click on the select the QuickBooks Tab
  • Enter Full path to your QuickBooks file
  • If the PDL section is empty, then enter the first file in the process list below which would be in the form of "processdefinition_XXX.xml"
  • Log Level should be "OFF" unless you want to debug your integration. If Log Level is "ALL" and an email address is provided, then all the logs will go to that email address after each run of the integration.
  • Click on "Save". You have now setup dbsync to connect.


  • Now we have to connect to the QuickBooks WebConnector.
  • Start QuickBooks WebConnect by going to Windows Start->All Programs->QuickBooks->WebConnector
  • On the above DBSync – QuickBooks Setup screen click on the "Configuration Link"
  • "Configuration Link" will download a QWC file specific for this integration and will install itself in the QuickBooks WebConnector.
  • Open the QuickBooks file entered so that we can start the process of connecting the QBW file with dbsync.


  • Click Open with "QuickBooks Web Connector"

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  • Click OK to Authorize the New Web Service to connect to QuickBooks


  1. Enter password. Note – this is password for DBSync, the one you used to login into DBSync site and not salesforce.com.
  2. Click on the Status, and QuickBooks WebConnector will ask you to save the password. Click Yes.
  3. Now your WebConnector is connected to DBSync and Salesforce.

Test Drive

  1. Login to Salesforce.com
  2. Select the Opportunity which you want to create an Invoice

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  1. Add Products to the Opportunity
  2. Set the Close Date. The Close Date is mapped to the Invoice date
  3. Set the Contact in the Contact Lookup. It mapped to the Bill Contact Name.
  4. Select Generate="Invoice"
  5. Save the Opportunity.


  1. Go to your QuickBooks WebConnector.
    1. Select the Integration profile that you just connected.
    2. Click on Update.
  2. You should now see the invoices created in QuickBooks.


If you have problems setting up, please go to

  1. Salesforce setup - http://www.appmashups.com/dbsyncwk/index.php?title=Dbsync:Adapter_Salesforce
  2. QuickBooks setup - http://www.appmashups.com/dbsyncwk/index.php?title=Dbsync:Adapter_QuickBooks













As Applicable


If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy ip or host>>


If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy ip or host>>


If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy ip or host>>


If you use a proxy server then put <<proxy ip or host>>


As Applicable


As Applicable





Point to the complete path to the location of your QuickBooks File. If its empty, the default open QuickBooks will be used in the integration.


Full Processdefinition file name used for Integration.

Configuration Link

Link to download the file to connect to your QB web Connector.

Copyright @ 2010, DBSync LLC and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purpose only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor is it subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.
DBSync is a registered trademark of DBSync LLC and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.There are multiple templates, available in our Solutions library, to integrate Salesforce and QuickBooks. Login to your DBSync Account. Click on Process Template tab to find a complete list of Solutions library. Click on view more - on each process template - to find integration details.

Some of the Salesforce and QuickBooks integration templates include:

  • Salesforce to QuickBooks (Unidirectional)
  • QuickBooks to Salesforce (Unidirectional)
  • Salesforce to QuickBooks (Bi-directional)
  • Salesforce to QuickBooks Online (Bi-directional)