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  • If you use Product Hierarchy in QuickBooks then, then Salesforce needs to be updated to support product hierarchyProduct Hierarchy.
  • Let's say DBSync is the parent item for SF2QuickBooksDesktop and SF2QuickBooksOnline items. Now, if you generate an invoice in QuickBooks with DBSync and SF2QuickBooksDesktop, Item Name for DBSync remains DBSync but for SF2QuickBooksDesktop it is shown as DBSync: SF2QuickBooksDesktop. 
  • If this invoice is moved to Salesforce Opportunity then, then the product is migrated with the parent Name into Salesforce.
  • To make changes, go to https://login.salesforce.com . Enter you User Name your Username and Password and . Then, click on Login. The user  
    • Note the user logging in, should have administrative privileges to make changes to Salesforce instance.
  • Go to Setup > Customize > Products > Fields and click on New in Products Custom Fields and Relationships.
  • Select Text in the Next page and click on click Next button. Enter Field Label as QuickBooksName, Length as 255 and, Field Name as QuickBooksName, click on . Click Next button.
  • In the next screen, select field-level security for profiles and click on Next. Check Add Field check box and check checkbox. Then, check the Page Layouts you want to add it to and click on . Click Save.
  • Go to Setup > Customize > Products > Page Layouts. Click on Edit for Product Layout.
  • Add QuickBooks Name fields on to the page Page Layout. And click on Click Save Button.
  • Go to Customer Login in www.mydbsync.com and enter your user name . Enter your username and password and . Then, click on Sign-in. Click on Launch, to Launch DBSync project page.
  • Ensure that the Salesforce and QuickBooks connectors are validated. You should have process template SalesforceQuickBooksBiDirectional.
  • Click on Projects, select . Select and open the a relevant project. You will see the a list of available processes. Select & and open the relevant processProcess. You will see a list of available Workflows.
  • Open the workflow "ItemServiceToProduct", in . In the Rules section, open the map for "Sequence No. 2".


  • Similarly, add the above mapping in the following States as follows to complete the product hierarchy Product Hierarchy setup.:
    • ItemInventoryToProduct
    • ItemNonInventoryToProduct
    • ItemDiscountToProduct
    • ItemOtherChargesToProduct
    • ItemInventoryAssenblyToProduct
    • ItemSalesTax2Product
  • Now your Salesforce is configured to handle the product hierarchy Product Hierarchy of QuickBooks.

Integration from Salesforce to QuickBooks

  • If you have a Parent-Child relationship for Products in Salesforce then, then the following changes need to be made to the mappings.
  • Go to Customer Login in www.mydbsync.com and enter your user name . Enter your username and password and click . Click on Sign-in. Click on Launch, to Launch the DBSync project Project page.
  • Ensure that the Salesforce and QuickBooks connectors are validated. You should have process template SalesforceQuickBooksBiDirectional.
  • Click on Projects, select . Select and open the relevant projectProject. You will see the a list of available processes. Select & and open the relevant processProcess. You will see a list of available Workflows.
  • Open the workflow "OpportunityToInvoice", *in . In the Rules section, open the map for "Sequence No.3".*
  • Find the target field "ItemServiceAddRq/ItemServiceAdd/Name"


    .  Then, replace the source code by copy-pasting the following



    Code Block
  • Add the mapping where target field = "ItemServiceAddRq/ItemServiceAdd/ParentRef/FullName" and source field as the following



    Code Block
  • Similarly, open the Sequence No.4 mapping.
  • Find the target field "ItemInventoryAddRq/ItemInventoryAdd/Name" and replace the source code by copy-pasting the following



    Code Block
  • Find the target field "ItemNonInventoryAddRq/ItemNonInventoryAdd/Name".  Replace the source code by copy-pasting the following:Add the mapping where target field = "ItemInventoryAddRq/ItemInventoryAdd/ParentRef/FullName" and source field as the following



    Code Block
  • Similarly, open the Sequence No.5 mapping.Find the
  • target field "ItemNonInventoryAddRq/ItemNonInventoryAdd/Name" and replace the source
    Code Block
    by copy-pasting the following.
    Code Block
  • Add the mapping where target field = "ItemNonInventoryAddRq/ItemNonInventoryAdd/ParentRef/FullName" and source field as the following



    Code Block
