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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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  • To make changes, go to https://login.salesforce.com . Enter you your Username and Password. Then, click on Login. 
    • Note
    : the
    •  the user logging in, should have administrative privileges to make changes to Salesforce instance.
  • Go to Setup > Customize > Products > Fields and click on New in Products Custom Fields and Relationships.


  • In the next screen, select field-level security for profiles and click Next. Check Add Field check box checkbox. Then, check the Page Layouts you want to add it to. Click Save.


  • Click on Projects. Select and open a relevant Projectproject. You will see a list of available processes. Select and open the relevant Process. You will see a list of available Workflows.
  • Open the workflow "ItemServiceToProduct". In the Rules section, open the map for "Sequence No. 2".


  • Similarly, add the above mapping as follows to complete the Product Hierarchy setup:
    • ItemInventoryToProduct
    • ItemNonInventoryToProduct
    • ItemDiscountToProduct
    • ItemOtherChargesToProduct
    • ItemInventoryAssenblyToProduct
    • ItemSalesTax2Product
  • Now your Salesforce is configured to handle the Product Hierarchy of QuickBooks.


  • If you have a Parent-Child relationship for Products in Salesforce then, the following changes needs need to be made to the mappings.


  • Open the workflow "OpportunityToInvoice". In the Rules section, open the map for "Sequence No.3".
  • Find the target field "ItemServiceAddRq/ItemServiceAdd/Name".  Then, replace the source code by copy-pasting the following:

    Code Block
  • Add the mapping where target field = "ItemServiceAddRq/ItemServiceAdd/ParentRef/FullName" and source field as the following



    Code Block
  • Similarly, open the Sequence No.4 mapping.
  • Find the target field "ItemInventoryAddRq/ItemInventoryAdd/Name" and replace the source code by copy-pasting the following:

    Code Block


  • Find the target field "ItemNonInventoryAddRq/ItemNonInventoryAdd/Name".  Replace the source code by copy-pasting the following:Add the mapping where target field = "ItemInventoryAddRq/ItemInventoryAdd/ParentRef/FullName" and source field as the following:

    Code Block
  • Similarly, open the Sequence No.5 mapping.
  • Find the target field "ItemNonInventoryAddRq/ItemNonInventoryAdd/Name".  Replace the source
    Code Block
    by copy-pasting the following:
    Code Block
  • Add the mapping where target field = "ItemNonInventoryAddRq/ItemNonInventoryAdd/ParentRef/FullName" and source field as the following:

    Code Block
