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If there is a integration requirement for any of the listed report , the integration is straightforward and if there is any other report which has to be sent to Salesforce then there is a customized  solution provided by DBSync .

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Lets look the below example how DBSync handles profit and Loss report to be integrated to salesforce custom object.

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  1. Since the Profit&Loss report is not exposed directly by the QuickBooks API , we use Custom Detail Report API
  2. Configure the connectors QuickBooks, Salesforce with appropriate credentials
  3. We build logic around with Dynamic querying capabilities which will run the Report in QuickBooks and returns us the required fields
  4. There are transformation applied via DBSync platform to salesforce custom object so that data is transformed as per the business requirement
  5. Finally, the data gets inserted to the Salesforce custom object.


  • QuickBooks Profit&Loss entity which would hold the records of the QuickBooks Profit&Loss report
  • Opportunity Entity which would hold the details records of the QuickBooks Profit&Loss record (serving as Master)

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A Salesforce user would need to customize different summary fields, depending on what they want to display on. The integration is simple , configure connectors, hold the QuickBooks report data on which transformation need be applied. Upsert this account records via their primary key allowing them to run on recurring basis.