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Click on SFToFTP url  to try out the method 


SalesForceToFileSystem API


The URL structure (path only, no root url) is v1/sftofilesystem

  1. v1 changes whenever the hosted environment of APIServer changes.
  2. The user can access the relevant method call by entering appropriate version before the method name.


The request type is POST

URL Params


Data Params

As the SalesForceToFileSystem is a post request, The body payload should be in below format

"sfConfig": {
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"securityToken": "string",
"sessionId": "string",
"endpointURL": "string"
"targets": [{
"host": "string",
"port": "string",
"filesystemType": "string",
"username": "string",
"password": "string",
"folder": "string",
"bucket": "string",
"targetFileName": "string",
"region": "string"
"queryToTheAttachment": "string"


As the SalesForceToFileSystem is a post request, The body payload should be in below format

"sfConfig": {
"username": "john@avankia.com",
"password": "123456",
"securityToken": "00P2800000lT3mq",
"sessionId": "",
"endpointURL": "https://ap2.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/39.0"
"targets": [ {
"host": "accounting.avankia.com",
"port": "21",
"filesystemType": "ftp",
"username": "anil.b@avankia.com",
"password": "123456",
"folder": "root",
"bucket": "string",
"targetFileName": ""
"region": ""
} ],
"queryToTheAttachment": "select Name,Body from attachment where id = '00P2800000lT3mq'"

Success Response

The status code on success reponse should be 200.


Code : 200

Response Body :

"id": "testFiles/Sampledata.txt",
"newid": "testFiles/Sampledata.txt",
"success": true,
"errors": [null]

Error Response

Most endpoint will have many ways they can fail. Below are some of the known error reponse code and response body.

Code 401 : Unautorized access

Code 403 : Forbidden error


Code : 401

Response Body :

"success": false,
"errors : [ "INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out."]

Sample Call

The below is the sample call from the endpoint. This would make the API call more predictable for the reader.

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/html' -d '


"queryToTheAttachment":"select Name,Body from attachment where id = \u002700P2800000lT3mq\u0027"


