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Follow the steps to trigger an External API within DBSync mapping:

  1. Create a workflow and place them as the last sequence among all the workflows. As a result, the trigger is initiated after completion of all the workflow.

  2. In Query Builder, select a datasource such as database and read only one record by limiting it to 1.
    Example:select * from sku_to_qb_relation limit 1.

  3. Under Rules, add Console adapter as Target Connector, Operation as insert and, Console as Target object.

  4. Click map, and within out field, add a Java code to trigger External API. 
    Example: {String location="https://712c08e0.ngrok.io/appcenter/login";try{java.net.HttpURLConnection c=(java.net.HttpURLConnection)new java.net.URL(location).openConnection();c.setRequestMethod("GET");if(c.getResponseCode()==200){return new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(c.getInputStream())).lines().collect(java.util.stream.Collectors.joining());}}catch(java.io.IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}return "GET request did not worked";}

  5. Save and Close. Then, click Save Workflow. 

  6. Click on 'Run Now' and check output within the Console.