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Click here to access the All new DBSync Documentation Platform!

DBSync is a proven integration platform. It facilitates integration - between various legacy systems, services, processes, business partners and data - to provide value and improve performance. DBSync manages communication, data translation and process interactions among various connected applications.

Businesses and organizations define business processes and use DBSync's platform to synchronize their data between two or more databases and/or applications. 

Processes use Connectors to connect to different databases and applications through "Extract, Transform, and Load" - ETL.

The typical architecture of the DBSync's platform is as shown in the image below:

Core Components

The following table lists core components or ingredients of the DBSync's platform. These components are related to the ETL concepts, as shown in the aforementioned image, to help readers attain an in-depth understanding of how the whole platform works.




A Project is a set of Connectors, Processes, Workflows and Mappings, which collectively solves a business integration requirement.


A Process is a combination of Control flow and data flow that is required to build a complete integration logic. A Project can have more than one process.


A Workflow is a combination of Trigger, Rule, and one or more map. By default, any workflow will have a  start-state and an end-state.


Connectors are modules that encapsulate all the necessary protocols and logic to effectively communicate with the endpoints.

Trigger (Extract)

The process of extracting information from one Database/Application to be used in another is known as the "Extract" process.

Map (Transform)

The process of transforming data, after it has been extracted, so that it can be read from one database/application (Eg: Salesforce) and understood by another database/application (Eg: QuickBooks), is known as "Transform".

Rule (Load)

The process of loading the transformed data so that it can be read in the new Database/Application is known as the "Load".

Update Source

Update Source provides a feedback loop from the Rule and are used to notify Source Applications.

Template Library

Contains pre-defined Projects with default mappings for integrating applications such as Salesforce and QuickBooks etc.


Allows user to schedule the processes in Projects to run at scheduled intervals.