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to Receivable Integration

Opportunity to Receivable i.e Invoice, Sales Order etc, integration is provided through a seperate add-on module (Salesforce package), which provides open source code for Opportunity to Receivable integration.


Why we have it as Open Source Code?
We understand that every business is unique and trying to model an Opportunity to Receivable integration that works for all is quite difficult, which is why we have a default code available for our client base to use it as a sample to build on their integration.



Anytime an opportunity is "Closed" you would want to generate a transaction (Sales Order or Invoice). You can have multple scenarios that you can model with Salesforce and AccountingBook.


  • Services: Quotes -> Opportunity -> Invoice
  • Manfacturing: Quotes -> Opportunity -> Sales Order -> Invoice
  • Retain: Opportunity -> Sales Receipt or Combining daily closed Opportunities -> Journal Entries
  • Subscription: Recurring Opportunity -> Recurring Invoice Template -> Invoices(s)

Installing Standard Out-of-the-Box Integration

Out of the box provides an (unmanaged) i.e. open source code for integrating Opportunity to Sales Order, Invoice or Sales Receipt. 


Install Opportunity to Receivable package from (v1.3)


  1. Goto Setup -> Opportunity Page Layout
  2. Select the Layout you need to provide access to this feature
  3. Add "Create Sale Order" and "Create Invoice" buttons to the page layout
  4. Add Opportunity to the Receiable page layout

How it works

  1. On clicking one of the installed Buttons "Create Sales Order" or "Create Invoice" you will get a screen with options to select products and quantities to generate the requested Receivables.
  2. Select the checkbox to include a line item. You can also asjust the quantity.
  3. Click on Save. Save functionality will
    1. Check if products included in the conversion is available in AccountingBook:Items. If not it will create the Item as Type="Service" and Income Account="Other Income"
    2. It will create a Receivable with line items
    3. It will mark the Receivable as 'Post'
    4. It will create all relevant Journal Entries
    5. It will associate the Receivable to the Opportunity. You can add the Receivable related list on Opportunity page layout.

How to Customize

Every business is different and unique in itself and so is its business processes. We realize it and so we have open-sourced (i.e. unmanaged) this code. You can tweak the code as you like and make relevant adjustment or create new ones using the code as an example.
