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Quick Start with DBSync's SaaS Backup for Salesforce 



This quickstart shows you how to get started to registration flow under the DBSync registration platform with 2 different editions like Developer and Enterprise for On-Cloud.

Steps for Registration

Follow these simple steps to register in DBSync's SaaS Backup for Salesforce portal.

  • Simply log in to  to the DBSync website www.mydbsync.com to start your free trial developer or enterprise edition.
  • Next, go to the My Account section in on the DBSync website and click on Customer login to redirect you to the login page to create an account.


  • Next, click on the get started button to go to the DBSync registration pop-up to enter your business email.


  • Once , you have entered your business email then , click on the next Next button and it will show you a message "Thank you for your Registration".

  • Next, After the registration you have to check your mailbox after the registration and click on "confirm my account". 

  • Once , you have clicked on confirm confirming my account then , it will  will redirect you to verifying a few more steps to complete your setup.
  • Next, enter the required field details like "username, name, company, phone, password and confirm password". Select the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions and then click on the next Next button.

  • Once, clicked on the next button then a popup will appear with a the message "profile setup is complete".
