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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • In both the methods if the user has check-boxes to receive notification when STARTED, immediately when the connection is SAVED and TESTED a notification will be sent to the SERVER or to the communication channel such as SLACK that the process has STARTED.

  • To get the URL for POST method for a communication channel such as SLACK please refer to the following link https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks .

  • Parameterization (supporting variable injection)

Type: Started, Stopped, Errored

DateTime: Ability to convert into the timezone they want

This can leverage SimpleDateTimeFormat in Java

Records processed : If Error, the error message and Error code

Erroring on the post event should still continue the processing, we need to add it to logs as SEVERE error and email if there is a notification email attached.

  • Also the below parameters can be run in PAY method:

  1. Headers - textarea ( multiple lines, each line is a separate header) - notification.webhook.header

  2. Content-Type - text - notification.webhook.content-type

  3. Payload (supporting variable injection) -using Code Editor notification.webhook.post.body

  • Test button - to test the operation of notification

    • For Post, just post the post body as is

  • Phase 1 - we will document the parameters available on Wiki

  • Phase 2 - we will allow them to pick and choose the variables from the UI

  • All the above values captured will be part of properties and will be saved in config.properties

Supported Expressions:




Current date

$date; format=”dateformat”$

Format is an optional attribute. However, it is recommended to add one.

Do NOT escape quotes in dateformat as it can lead to errors.

Current event


Values: Started, Errored or Completed

Error count


Denotes the number of objects that encountered an error

Is error in backup


Values: true if event is errored else false

Profile Name


Total records processed


Total number of records processed ie. inserted + updated for all objects
