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The Map Component

This section provides details as to how to operate the Map component of the application. Follow the instructions and the screen shots provided below.

1. Open an existing process that you have already created(see section 4.2on how to open a process) Right-click on the Reader component and select 'Properties'. The properties section is displayed on the screen shot above.
1. Access a process map and click on the Map component to view the details. You can edit, delete, and close the window.
2. Click on the edit hyperlink to modify the changes in the process type and file nameA process is a collection of workflows that makes integration work. Any process can be scheduled to run at regular intervals. 

The process listing page has download functionality. A user can download a whole set of processes - i.e download project in a zipped format to the local file system.

The below screenshot illustrates a process listing from where a single process can run. DBSync allows processes to run concurrently.

Image Added


Create, Update and Delete Process 

To create a new Process- "Create New Process" -

A user can navigate to process listing in two ways - either by clicking on the process name from the menu available in the navigation or by clicking on any particular project.#. 

  1. Enter a preferred name and "Save" to view the process on the listing page.
  2. "Edit"- To edit/change the process name.
  3. "Delete"- To Delete the process and all of its components from the system. Once deleted, a user will not be able to recover process, or any of its components, from the system.
  4.  "Download"-  Download the process in a zipped format in the Downloads folder of the local file system.