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The restore functionality is used to restore all or deleted records from all GSuite applications such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Contacts, and Google Calendar. This is especially useful if a user, out of human error, has deleted any records and the same can be restored if the Backup has been completed for that user.

  • Click on Restore from the top navigation toolbar

Restore page

  • The restore functionality can be performed for Gmail, Google Drive, Google Contacts, and Google Calendar, and each section is explained in detail below. 

Section 1: Filters

  • Filters can be used to select a specific user, app, and date range to perform the restore functionality:

  • Once selected, Click Restore Now

Section 2: Authentication

  • For Security reasons, DBSync has provided a mandatory, 2 step-verification process to be completed to authenticate the restore request. 

  • When the user clicks Restore Now a pop-up to verify the account will appear on the screen

  • An email notification with a 6-digit verification code will be sent to the user’s email address.

  • Enter that verification code and click confirm to complete the authentication

  • A list of all the directories appearing on the application will be displayed on the screen.

Section 3:

This section can be divided into 4 parts and each will explain the restore functionality App wise 

  1. Gmail

  • If the user has selected Gmail as the application to be restored in the filters section:

  • The list/directories will appear as folders in the same order as the Gmail instance on the left panel.

  1. First Section: As the user clicks on the folder name it will open the mail files as a separate section next to the first one. For example: if the user chooses Inbox, all the emails in the inbox folder will be displayed.

  2. Post first selection, cascading other sections get displayed sequentially. Based on the required version, a selection can be made.

  3. The second last section shows the complete list of mail subjects

  4. On clicking the mail subject, the mail preview is opened next to the section and it also shows an option to view Original and displays the original format of the mail with metadata

2. Google Drive

  • User selects Google Drive as the application to be restored in the filters section:

  • The list/directories will appear as folders in the same order as the Google Drive instance on the left panel.

  • As the user clicks on the folder name it will open the inner files/folders as a separate section next to the first one

  • On selection, all the inner files and folders will be selected with the latest version (if version history available).

  • Text based files will show the preview of the file (.doc .ppt .xls .css .txt etc)

  • Files will display the metadata of the file with version history

  • Users can select any particular version history to preview and the same can be restored.

3. Google Calendar

  • If the user has selected Google Calendar as the application to be restored in the filters section:

  • The calendar shows the list of available directories such as My Calendar, Other Calendars(Shared) etc

  1. User can select any child folders to view the backups

  1. The List of dates is shown as per the date range selector

  2. Version History displays the changes that occurred in that particular event (Each modification creates version history)

  3. Each date will display the list of events for that particular day

  • And the same can be previewed in the user readable format

4. Google Contacts

  • If the user has selected Google Contacts as the application to be restored in the filters section:

  • A list of directories in Contacts will be displayed.

  • Each directory shows the respective list of contacts

  • Clicking each contact from the list (2nd section) shows the contact version history if any and each version can be previewed with all details as on the screen

  • Google contact files

  • User can select any version from the version history section to restore the contact

  • Click Restore Now

  • A pop-up requesting restore location will appear on the screen

Restore Location

A restore location can be selected for the files which need to be restored. 

  • User can select the list of directories from the dropdown to restore the files.

  • Clicking on the ‘Chevron’ arrow will lead the user to the inner folders.

  • 'New folder' icon will create the folder based on the currently selected directory

  • User can navigate backward by clicking the back arrow from the top icon

Restore Deleted

From the drop-down the user can select deleted option to restore all deleted records:

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