Example 2 

The following Example helps a user to define the color priority. Below is the code snippet of a User Defined Function and, Test method to execute it .

function chooseColor(priority) {
  var color = "";
  if(priority == "High"){
    color = "Red";
  } else if(priority == "Medium"){
    color = "Yellow";
  } else if(priority == "Low"){
    color = "Green";
  return color;

function test(){

Example 3

The following Example 3 explains using user defined functions and public functions and calling public functions from user defined functions, below is the code snippet of a user defined function and Test method to execute it .

input['type'] = {newid:"", newid: "", name:"string", first:"string", id:"int"};
out['type'] = {newid: "", newid: "", name2:"string", first2:"string", surname: "string", id2:"int"};input['type'] = {newid:"", newid: "", name:"string", first:"string", id:"int"};
out['type'] = {newid: "", newid: "", name2:"string", first2:"string", surname: "string", id2:"int"};

var myapp = {

 doubleme: function(nu){
  return 2*nu;

  readData: function(){

 out['data']= [
          {name2:"rg1", first2:"gu1", surname: "string1"},
           {name2:"rg2", first2:"gu2", surname: "string2"},
           {name2:"rg3", first2:"gu3", surname: "string3"}];


    |  name2 | first2  |
    |  rg1   | gu1  |
    |  rg2   | gu2  |
    |  rg3   | gu3  |
  writeData: function(){
    if (out['data']==null){

   for each (r in input['data']){
    currentId = 123 + index;
    currentName = r.name2 + index;
    currentFirst = r.first2 + index;
    out['data'].push({"id": currentId, "name2": currentName, "first2":currentFirst});


function combine(first, last){

  return first + ' ' + last;

function doubleme(nu){
  return 2*nu;

function test(){
 input['data'] = {name:"rajeev", first:"gip"};
    input['data'] = out['data'];// this is the straight transformation