Issue :  After turning on Multi-currency feature in Salesforce, Product stopped integrating with Salesforce Opportunities.

Description: After turning on Multi-currency in a Salesforce org, it is difficult to get products from QuickBooks to integrate correctly to Opportunities in Salesforce. When we add a new currency to one of our products - in our standard price book in Salesforce - none of the products from QuickBooks will sync over to the Opportunity. It just creates an Opportunity with no products. 

Resolution : Follow the steps below and change the mappings as per your QuickBooks file in your project.

Step 1 : Navigate to Workflow listing page of the project for which you wish to make changes by clicking on Project → processes → workflow.

Step 2 : Click on Edit " OpportunityToInvoice ". Replace the reader query from Advanced Query Builder with the following query. Once done, click on Save & Close button.

SELECT Opportunity.Id,Opportunity.AVSFQB__Primary_Contact__r.FirstName,Opportunity.AVSFQB__Primary_Contact__r.LastName,Opportunity.Owner.QB_SalesRep_ID__c,
Opportunity.Account.Fax,Opportunity.Account.Phone,Name,Description,CloseDate ,(SELECT Quantity,UnitPrice,Description,Opportunity.owner.FirstName,
PricebookEntry.Product2.Description,PricebookEntry.Product2.Id,PricebookEntry.UnitPrice,PricebookEntry.Product2.AVSFQB__QuickBooks_ItemType__c FROM
OpportunityLineItems) ,Opportunity.Account.AVSFQB__Quickbooks_Id__c,Opportunity.AVSFQB__Generate_Object__c FROM Opportunity where
Opportunity.AVSFQB__Generate_Object__c = 'Invoice'

Step 3 : In the Rules, you will find total of Nine rules. Make sure to open the mappings of Rule no 1. 

Step 4 : Add the following mapping to the Rule: 



IF(VALUE("Account/CurrencyIsoCode").equals("USD"),"US Dollar",IF(VALUE("Account/CurrencyIsoCode").equals("GBP"),"British Pound Sterling",IF(VALUE("Account/CurrencyIsoCode").equals("EUR"),"Euro",IF(VALUE("Account/CurrencyIsoCode").equals("CAD"),"Canadian Dollar",""))))

Step 5 : Click on Save & Close to close the mappings screen. Then, Save the workflow.

Now, products from QuickBooks will integrate seamlessly to respective Salesforce Opportunity.