Issue:  Sync broken when I tried to sync my opportunity as invoice to QuickBooks and I got the following error message on my Salesforce page.

Solution: When we have gone through the DBSync logs and we found the response from QuickBooks application like below:

Save Result: 1 of 1:false--Message: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Item "MicrosoftWindows: Office2016" in the Invoice line.  QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument. The specified record does not exist in the list.

In the above error message, we can see the item name contains with a colon(:)symbol

"MicrosoftWindows: Office2016" where Quickbooks is treating that product has Parent-Child relationship and for that reason QuickBooks not allowing to create an Invoice. So remove that colon(:) in that product name like "MicrosoftWindows Office2016"  in Salesforce and then re-initiate the sync to create an Invoice in QuickBooks.