Download the DBSync Linux zip file from the following URL



step: Once the file is downloaded, make a list of files using the below command

# ls -l

You can see the file

Step: Now unzip the above-downloaded file

#  unzip

# cd apache-tomcat-9.0.33 

# ls -l

# mkdir logs

# cd bin

# cd bin

#chown -R dbsync:dbsync directory name

Installing java files (JDK/JRE files )
#yum install java-1.8

Step: Create a Directory
Command :

mkdir directory-name 

Moving files from one directory to other

# mv source directory/* destination directory/

 Copying from one dir to other
Command :

# Cp -r source directory /~/ destination directory 

Stopping tomcat

# ps -ef | grep java

# cd /home/dbsync/apache-tomcat-9.0.33/logs

# ls -l

Now Tail the logs

# tail -f catalina.out

The above screenshot shows that the tomcat was running

Step : To access DBSync Cloud Replication console, please paste the http://< IP >:8080/dbsync

http://localhost:8080/dbsync  URL in your browser address bar and you will be presented with the DBSync Cloud Replication Home page.

Take a backup of profiles

Take a backup of Scheduler jobs