This page will demonstrate how to edit the writer component of DBSync.
In order to access the writer, first you will need to open the mapping of a process that you have already created. Please see section 3.1of the wiki to add a process definition language, and section 4.2 to open a process map for more information regarding creating and viewing a process.

1. Right-click on the Writer Component and select 'Properties' to view the details of it.
2. Select the Adapter type from the drop down list – Example – QuickBooks Adapter. The properties of the specific adapter are automatically displayed on the selection.
3. Enter the External ID name in the field, if you wish to perform the Upsert operation on the records. Example --QBName__c (more clarity needed here, need assistance, also Upsert function might need to be explained somewhere unless it is part of “IT vernacular”
4. Enter the table name that you want to select as the target. Example – Account.
5. Click on the Lookup hyperlink to select the object to which it has to be written.