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In this tutorial we would be learning will learn the movement of file, files and directory, within Amazon S3 to designated file system and vice-versa.

Amazon S3 To
Local File System To Amazon S3
  1. Login to DBSync with valid credentials credentials. 
  2. Create a project Project with name of your choice.
  3. Create connectors Connectors - preferably of type Java and DB.Database
  4. The Java connector Connector should have valid class nameName, user name and password , Username and Password - notably the class name is "awsS3Adapter" and the username and password are of Amazon S3 Storage Storage. 
  5. Configure the DB Database Connector with any DB which Database that is supported by DBSync, please . Please refer to DBSync DB connector documentation for more information. 
  6. Create a process with meaningful name - like S3ToLocal which . Something that will be easy for other users to understand.
  7. Create a workflow with a valid name Name, Trigger and rules Rules as explained in latter sections sections. 

Trigger Setup

  1. Select the data-source as DB Database.
  2. Choose the object corresponding to the Data-source. 


  1. Add a rule with name of user choice. Then, select the java connector Java Connector and operation Operation as insertInsert
  2. Set the target Object to upload directory which that will write the total chosen directory with its files from designated file system to Amazon file system.
  3. Now Next the user has to should do the mapping as per his choice, the below are the sample which will help him /her choice. Following samples  will help a user understand how this need can be done . 


Target Field


Validate Row

Has to be




Amazon Bucket to which it has to be written.

File pattern

The name of the



File Reference

The source path from where the directory should be read. 
For Eg: "C:/Users/Avankia111/Downloads/TestDirectory" in case of local machine this is the format.


The Region

where Amazon of

the user's Amazon is hosted.

Running The Sync

As its that now the We set Connectors, Trigger and Rules have been set appropriately, . Now it 's is time to Run sync and check whether confirm that all the files from the designated directory have been copied to the destination i.e. Amazon s3 or not.

Hit the Click 'Run Now' button located at the top right corner of the page - as shown in the above screen. If sync is successful executed, it shows up in the console , in case of errors also same will . However, if there are errors, that will also be displayed in the consoleConsole.

After the successful completion of sync, go to the Amazon S3 storage to the given file path to check . Make sure that the files are copied along with correct directory name, file names Directory Name, File Names and data in the files .