Invalid Reference to the QuickBooks Customer


When user tries to sync an opportunity as invoice into QuickBooks and got the following error message on QB Error field.

ERROR:(3140) - There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Customer "Apple Inc:Apple Iphone 11 mini" in the Invoice. QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument. The specified record does not exist in the list.

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In the above error message, the Customer name is invalid reference at Quickbooks side.


Step 1: Investigate at Quickbooks side, whether the same Account name is already existing as a Vendor/Employee name in Quickbooks. As we observed that the same name is already, existing as a Vendor name.  Please find the screenshot below for the same.

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Step 2: Either rename the Account name in Salesforce or rename the Vendor name at Quickbooks, and then try for a sync to process the record to Quickbooks without any errors. Because Quickbooks will not allow to create a duplicate name on the following objects (Account,Customer,Employee, and Vendor)