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The data from Sage 100 is fetched through a mechanism within sage 100 referred to as Visual Integrator for which we have created export jobs to fetch data from various tables of Sage 100. Instead of creating the relevant export and import jobs we have created the jobs dump file which you can restore in your Sage 100 instance.

These export jobs dump can be downloaded from the following link Sage_ExportJobs.EXP

 Export Job Setup 

Follow the below steps to set up the Export Jobs that are required to export data from Sage 100  to staging db.

  1. Login to Sage 100 with valid credentials

  2. Navigate to visual integrator -> Job Import

  3. Select the Job import file from the file location (Which should be copied to your server)

  4. The job import wizard shows up all the Available jobs, Select all the jobs which are necessary for your integration.

  5. Click on Accept button which will create all the jobs in your visual integrator of sage 100.

Below is the table containing the description of Export jobs

Job NameDescription
DB_AP_VENDORExports all the vendors records from AP_Vendor table of Sage 100 to DBSync staging
DB_AR_SALESPRSNExports all of sales reps records from the table AR_Salesperson from sage 100 to DBsync Staging
DB_AR_CUSTOMERExports all of Customer records from AR_Customer recods from sage 100 to DBSync Staging
DB_CI_EXTDESCExports all of records from the table CI_ExtendedDescription
DB_CI_UOMExports all of records from the table CI_UnitofMeasure
DB_SO_SHIPTOADDExport all of records from SO_ShipToAddress to DBSync staging db
DB_IM_WAREHSEExports all of records from table IM_Warehouse to DBSync staging db
DB_CI_ITEMExports all of item records from table CI_Items to DBSync staging db
DB_AR_INVHISHDRExports all of invoice history from table AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader  to DBSync staging db.
DB_AR_INVHISDTLExport all of invoice line item history from table AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail to DBSync staging db.
DB_IM_ITMWAREHSEExports all of records from IM_Itemwarehouse to DBSync staging db.
DB_AR_OPNINVExports all of records from table AR_OpenInvoices to DBSync staging db.

Import Job Setup 

Follow the below steps to set up the Import Job that is required to import data from staging to Sage 100. You can download the Import job from the link IMPJOBS.EXP

  1. Login to Sage 100 with valid credentials

  2. Navigate to visual integrator -> Job Import

  3. Select the Job import file from the file location (Which should be copied to your server)

  4. The job import wizard shows up all the Available jobs, Select all the jobs which are necessary for your integration.

  5. Click on Accept button which will create all the jobs in your visual integrator of sage 100.

Below is the table containing the description of Export jobs

Job NameDescription
DB_SO_IMImports all of Salesorder header and its related line items in to Sage 100.


The below are the steps to run the job but precondition is to have ODBC setup on which the sage 100 is hosted, this is done by DBSync implementation as a part of setup.

  1. Login to Sage 100 with valid credentials 

  2. On the left navigation, select visual integrator -> Main -> Job Select option

  3. Select the import/export job from the existing list

  4. A job popup is opened, now select on accept to run the job

  5. Now alert pops up saying do you want to continue as shown in below screen.

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