Outbound Message Setup in Salesforce helps for instantaneous update from Source to Database during Replication process.
We can take an example for salesforce.The below steps should be followed to setup Outbound Message in Salesforce.
- Create an Outbound Message in Salesforce
- Select Fields to send to backend
- Include Session Id
- Use end point URL as http(s)://<PublicHOSTNAME/IP>:<PORT>/dbsync/soap/notifications?profileId=<profileName>
- Create a “ProfileName” in DBSync which has the selected object for replication.
- Edit event_manager file under <<install-folder>>\dbsync-repl\WEB-INF\db\conf and uncomment the below section in the file and replace “avankia” by “dbsync” in class name
<Destination name="WebNotificationQueue" serial="true" persistOnError="true">
<Listener name="WebNotificationQueue" className="com.dbsync.salesforce.event.WebNotificationEventListener" />
For more details on Setting Up Outbound Message, please refer the below link.
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