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Advanced search can be performed just by inserting the Search Parameters like AND, OR, NEAR and NOT with the search text. The Wild card search can also be performed by changing the search text with * marks.

The below table helps user in understanding the various operators that can be used to perform advanced search on this wiki site. Here, we have used some different scenarios with examples of using different parameters to help users make understand what to be used in Search box.

Exact Match search (" ")

Use the double quotes in the search to get the exact match

Note : DBSync wiki Confluence ignores common words (stop words) — such as 'and', 'the', 'or', and 'it' — even if they are included within double quotes.

Searching for "iPaaS" will only return pages containing 'iPaas', because 'the' and 'it' are stop words.

AND search

Use AND (in capital letters) to search for content that contains more than one search term.

iPaaS AND integration finds content containing both 'iPaaS' and 'integration'

OR search

Use OR (in capital letters) to search for content that contains one of the terms.

iPaaS OR integration finds content containing either 'iPaaS' or 'integration'

NOT search

Use NOT (in capital letters) to exclude a word from your search.

iPaaS NOT integration finds content containing 'iPaaS' but NOT 'integration'

Excluded term search

To search for content that contains 'iPaaS' and 'integration' but not 'DBSync':

To search for content that is having iPaaS and integration but not DBSync.
Group search terms

To search for content that must contain 'iPaaS' but can contain either 'integration' or 'DBSync', use brackets to group the search terms:

To search for content that must contain DBSync but can contain iPaaS or integration in the search text.

(iPaaS OR integration) AND DBSync will return the pages that has DBSync in its content, optionally the content having iPaaS or integration if exists.

Title search

To search for pages or articles that contains certain words in the title. Use the option Add a filter at the bottom left of the search page and choose with title.

Now input the search text and enter to get the search result.

To search for the content that is having title "Getting Started" from the available filter options shall return all the page having title containing "Getting Started".
Date Range search

To search for the content modified within a certain date range, pick from the option in the search page located at the left from the section "Last Modified".

  • Any date : Shall return all the pages with indefinite modified range.
  • Last 24 hours: Shall return the pages that are modified in the last 24 hours.
  • Last Week: Shall return the pages that are modified during last week.
  • Last year: Shall return all the page that are modified in the last year.
  • Custom: Using custom filter, User has to input start date and end date to search.

Use the Add a filter located at the bottom left of the search page to choose created option to search content basing on the created date options. The parameters remain same as explained in the bullet points.

From Add a filter, Choose a option created and selecting Last week will return all the pages which are created during last week.

You can't use the AND keyword inside this statement.

Wildcard search

Multiple characters- Use an asterisk (*) at the end of your word to replace multiple characters.

Multiple wildcards- Use asterisks (*) to add more than one multiple-character wildcard

Single characters- Use a question mark (?) to replace a single character in your search.

Multiple characters- print*

Multiple wildcards- r*c* finds content containing 'react', 'recovery', 'refactor' and so on.

Single characters- b?tter finds content containing 'butter', 'bitter', 'better', 'batter' and so on.

Range search

Use the operator "TO" in capital letters to search for names that falls alphabetically within a specified range.

User cannot used AND operator in the combination of search text.

To search all the names from apple to boy , pass the search text as [apple To boy] which result all the names that falls in the range of apple to boy.
Proximity search

Use a tilde character followed by a number, to find two words within a certain number of words of each other.

"Salesforce connector" ~1 will return the search result as "Salesforce connector" but not "Salesforce & QuickBooks integration"

Combined searchCombined search is nothing but combining various search texts together("Integration" AND "iPaaS") AND - DBSync is the example for the search text if user wants to use combined search.
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