USE [DBSyncDB] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[account]( [id] [varchar](20) NULL,[Name] [varchar](50) NULL,[firstname] [varchar](50) NULL,[lastname] [varchar](50) NULL, [phone] [nchar](20) NULL,[fax] [nchar](20) NULL,[billingstreet] [varchar](200) NULL,[billingcity] [varchar](50) NULL, [billingstate] [varchar](50) NULL,[billingcountry] [varchar](50) NULL,[billingcode] [varchar](50) NULL,[company] [nchar](100) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO USE [DBSyncDB] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[invoice]( [invoice_no] [nchar](10) NULL,[customerid] [nchar](100) NULL,[item] [nchar](100) NULL,[itemdesc] [nchar](100) NULL, [quantity] [nchar](10) NULL,[uom] [nchar](50) NULL,[salesprice] [nchar](10) NULL,[total] [nchar](10) NULL, [billaddress] [nchar](100) NULL,[billingcity] [nchar](100) NULL,[billingstate] [nchar](100) NULL, [billingpostalcode] [nchar](10) NULL,[billingcountry] [nchar](100) NULL,[date] [nchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
CREATE TABLE `dbsyncdb`.`account` (`id` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,`Name` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,`firstname` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL, `lastname` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,`phone` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL,`fax` VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT NULL, `billingstreet` VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT NULL,`billingcity` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,`billingstate` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL, `billingcountry` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,`billingcode` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,`company` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; /*Table structure for table `invoice` */ CREATE TABLE `dbsyncdb`.`invoice` (`invoice_no` CHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL,`customerid` CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,`item` CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, `itemdesc` CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,`quantity` CHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL,`uom` CHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,`salesprice` CHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL, `total` CHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL,`billaddress` CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,`billingcity` CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, `billingstate` CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,`billingpostalcode` CHAR(10) DEFAULT NULL,`billingcountry` CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, `date` CHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
CREATE TABLE "SYS"."ACCOUNT" ("id" VARCHAR(20 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"Name" VARCHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"firstname" VARCHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL, "lastname" VARCHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"phone" VARCHAR(20 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"fax" VARCHAR(20 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL, "billingstreet" VARCHAR(200 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"billingcity" VARCHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"billingstate" VARCHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL, "billingcountry" VARCHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"billingcode" VARCHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL, "company" VARCHAR(100 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL ); /*Table structure for table `invoice` */ CREATE TABLE "SYS"."INVOICE" ("invoice_no" CHAR(10 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"customerid" CHAR(100 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"item" CHAR(100 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL, "itemdesc" CHAR(100 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"quantity" CHAR(10 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"uom" CHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"salesprice" CHAR(10 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL, "total" CHAR(10 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"billaddress" CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,"billingcity" CHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, "billingstate" CHAR(100 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"billingpostalcode" CHAR(10 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL,"billingcountry" CHAR(100 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL, "date" CHAR(50 BYTE) DEFAULT NULL);
Note : Make sure both the tables have sample data in them before they can be mapped within DBSync.
Note : If you are using a different Database server, you can enter the connection string for the same as shown here.
11.Click on Validate link for the Database adapter. If the credentials entered are accurate, you will get a pop-up message saying the "Connection Settings are Valid".
12. At this point, you have successfully validated your Database Adapter.
4. Click on configuration Link at the bottom of the page. A Pop-up box will appear, prompting you to open the file with "QuickBooks Web Connector (default)". Click OK as highlighted below in screenshot.
5. Click OK in the next window (first screenshot below). Then, select the option button "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running" and check the check box for "Allow this application to access personal data". Finally, click continue (second screenshot below).
6. In the Access Confirmation window, click Done - as shown above . And the profile will get added to your QuickBooks Web Connector. A screenshot of the QuickBooks Web Connector is shown below.
7. Please enter your DBSync password in the password section of the Web Connector and Save.
8. At this point, you have successfully completed configuring your QuickBooks with DBSync. You can run the integration by clicking on the Update Selected button.
If a user wishes to set the properties, s/he can do it from the Properties Tab
Select * from account
5. For a rule created, set the following properties by selecting the Properties Tab.
Table : CustomerAddRq
maxbatchsize : 1
writetype_ _ : insert
autocreate : True
6. Click on the Map link from the available options under the Rule to set the following field to field maps.
Target | = | Source |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/BillAddress/Addr1 | = | VALUE("billingstreet") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/BillAddress/City | = | VALUE("billingcity") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/BillAddress/Country | = | VALUE("billingcountry") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/BillAddress/PostalCode | = | VALUE("billingcode") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/BillAddress/State | = | VALUE("billingstate") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/CompanyName | = | VALUE("company") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/Fax | = | VALUE("fax") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/FirstName | = | VALUE("firstname") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/IsActive | = | "true" |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/LastName | = | VALUE("lastname") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/Name | = | VALUE("Name") |
CustomerAddRq/CustomerAdd/Phone | = | VALUE("phone") |
VALIDATEROW | = | "true" |
At this point, your DBSync is set to move Account records from your database table to QuickBooks Customer.
select invoice_no,invoice_no as invoicenumber,customerid,item,itemdesc,quantity,uom, salesprice,total,billaddress,billingcity,billingstate,billingpostalcode,billingcountry, convert(varchar,cast(date as datetime),126) as 'date' from invoice
4. Make sure the XML Formatter section is populated with the following code.
customerid,billaddress,billingcity,billingstate,billingpostalcode,billingcountry,date, invoice_no,[item,itemdesc,quantity,salesprice]
5. Now configure the Rule Properties
Table : InvoiceAddRq
maxbatchsize : 1
writetype_ _ : insert
autocreate : True
The Rule mapping can be mapped from the following table .
Target | = | Source |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/BillAddress/Addr1 | = | VALUE("billingaddress") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/BillAddress/City | = | VALUE("billingcity") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/BillAddress/Country | = | VALUE("billingcountry") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/BillAddress/PostalCode | = | VALUE("billingpostalcode") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/BillAddress/State | = | VALUE("billingpostalcode") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/CustomerRef/FullName | = | VALUE("customerid") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/InvoiceLineAdd | loop | "invoice_no/list" |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/InvoiceLineAdd/Desc | = | VALUE("itemdesc") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/InvoiceLineAdd/ItemRef/FullName | = | VALUE("item") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/InvoiceLineAdd/Quantity | = | VALUE("quantity") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/InvoiceLineAdd/Rate | = | VALUE("salesprice") |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/IsPending | = | "true" |
InvoiceAddRq/InvoiceAdd/TxnDate | = | VALUE("date") |
VALIDATEROW | = | "true" |
At this point, you have configured your DBSync profile to integrate both the Accounts and Invoice tables that were created in your SQL Server Database. A similar procedure can be followed for other databases like MYSQL,Oracle,DB2 etc. The only thing that would be different, within DBSync, would be the connection strings for the respective databases.