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Issue: Mapping Custom field of Salesforce to Custom field of QuickBooks.

Root Cause: Requirement - mapping Quickbooks online custom field.


Let us take an example of custom field SalesRep__c  on Opportunity in Salesforce.

We have to map this field to SalesRep custom field in QuickBooks online. This is created in sales section as shown in the following screen shot:

To map this field, choose any one of the fields that is not used for mapping any values. Then, type custom field name (SalesRep) in the target area i.e between <Name> </Name> tags (QuickBook Online) and add the following query in the source field.



return "";


Where <DefinitionId>2</DefinitionId>  :Position of custom field in QuickBook online.

              <Name>SalesRep</Name>: The custom field name in QuickBook online.

               <StringValue>"+VALUE("SalesRep__c")+"</StringValue>: The custom field in Salesforce.

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