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Testing Your Function

For Testing a user defined function , the function To test a User Defined Function, it has to be accompanied by a method Generally generally started with header "//@Test". The user has to must save the created function before proceeding with Testing the FunctionFunction before testing it.

The following code snippet shows the Test method required to test the previously created Append Function.

Code Block
function testFirstAndLastName(){//@Test
function testFirstAndLastName(){
  var firstname = "Xxxxxx";
  var lastname = "Yyyyy";
  addFirstAndLastNames(firstname, lastname);
}  var firstname = "Xxxxxx"; var lastname = "Yyyyy";  addFirstAndLastNames(firstname, lastname);

The following screen shows the User Defined Function along with Test method required to execute it.

  1. After writing the Test method, immediately after the UDF, it is best practice to Save. The Save button is located at the top right corner of the page .
  2. Here, a user is prompted to select the available Test Methods in a pop-up. As a result, s/he can select the appropriate name and click on "Run Tests" button.
  3. Finally, the number of code lines executed is shown on the Top ribbon.  
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