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Now we In this section, will discuss the steps for creating a new "Hello World" AppCode. In this example we ApiCode. We want to demonstrate how to create one AppCode ApiCode implementation from scratch. This AppCode class which we are talking about, In this ApiCode 'class',  we will be able to demonstrate the operations which that we need to implement as a part of the AppCode ApiCode implementation.

The HelloWorld implementation class will take the input data as a list of HelloParameter objects and . It will print it out by prefixing "Hello" to it. The Read operation on it will return an array of pre-defined HelloParameters with their data data.

1. Open your TestAppCode project which that you downloaded as a part of the QuickStart section.

2. Define your new HelloWorld AppCode implementation class in the source folder and ensure . Make sure that you are selecting the interface as AppCode while defining the class:
You would should see a new class created with the default method signatures signatures:


to the 3 methods showing up, the following would be the basic functionality The following are basic functionalities of the three methods:

1. Open

This method should open the connection with the 3rd party system and . It should initiate the session as mentioned earlier. In our case since , it is a 'Hello World and there is no 3rd party system which '. And, we are not integrating with actually. We any third party system. As a result, we will just initialize the session key and print it out to the console and to the log. 

Code Block
public void open() throws RemoteException {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	sessionKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
	logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello World AppCode Session opened:" + sessionKey);

System.out.println("Hello World AppCode Session opened:" + sessionKey);



This method should initialize the context for the AppCode Implementation and is called before the open method is called. It normally the contains the initialization parameters which that are required to initialize the custom implementation.
In our 'HellWorld', we can just log a trace stating setContext is called in the console and in the log log. 

Code Block
public void setContext(Context arg0) {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello World AppCode Set Context called");

	System.out.println("Hello World AppCode Set Context called");



This method should close and terminate the session and invalidate it. In our case we can invalidate the session-key and log the call call.

Code Block
public void close() throws RemoteException {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello World AppCode close called:" + sessionKey); 

	System.out.println("Hello World AppCode close called:" + sessionKey );

	sessionKey = null;


Now before Before we start the implementation of the "read" and "write" methods, we need to defined the define the data transfer class ( "HelloParameter") for carrying data and out of the AppCode and the Filter class ("HelloFilter").

Code Block
  public static class HelloParameter{
	public String id;
	public String name;

public static class HelloFilter{
	public String key;


Define and initialize the initParameters to be used as HelloParameters for the sample read operation.

Code Block
  private List<HelloParameter> initParams ;

private void init() {

	initParams = new ArrayList<HelloWorldAppCode.HelloParameter>();

	HelloParameter initparam1 = new HelloParameter();
	initparam1.id = "1";
	initparam1.name = "Scott";

	HelloParameter initparam2 = new HelloParameter();
	initparam2.id = "2";
	initparam2.name = "Tiger";

	HelloParameter initparam3 = new HelloParameter();
	initparam3.id = "3";
	initparam3.name = "Matt";



We need to ensure the init is called in the open method so that the parameters are initialized when the AppCode is instantiated and initialized.

Code Block
public void open() throws RemoteException {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
	sessionKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
	logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello World AppCode Session opened:" + sessionKey);
	System.out.println("Hello World AppCode Session opened:" + sessionKey);


Now it is time to add the read and write operations.

d. ReadHello 

In this read method, we match the filter passed with the initialized parameters in the array list. Then, we return back the parameter that match the key. Next,  we set the value based on the sessionID initialized by prepending it with "Hello" and appending the name: "Hello:"<name>":"<sessionKey>.

Code Block
 public List<HelloParameter> readHello(HelloFilter filter){

	logger.info("Received Read operation with filter:" + filter.key + ":with session" + sessionKey);

	System.out.println("Received Read operation with filter:" + filter.key + ":with session" + sessionKey);

	List<HelloParameter> returnList = new ArrayList<HelloWorldSvc.HelloParameter>();

	for(HelloParameter initParam : initParams) {

		if(filter.key.equalsIgnoreCase(initParam.name)) {

			//Now set the value to "Hello":name:sessionId
			initParam.value = "Hello:"+initParam.name+":"+sessionKey;

			System.out.println("Matched Key:" + initParam.name + ":value:" + initParam.value );

			logger.info("Matched Key:" + initParam.name + ":value:" + initParam.value );


	return returnList;

e. WriteHello 

In the write method we take the input list and print the value based on the logic explained above. After iterating through the list, we return back an array of SaveResults with the newID that contains the appended sessionKey.
You can view the code below 

Code Block
 public SaveResult[] writeHello(List<HelloParameter> inputParams){

	List<SaveResult> saveResults = new ArrayList<SaveResult>();

	logger.info("Received write operation with session" + sessionKey);

	System.out.println("Received write operation with session" + sessionKey);

	for(HelloParameter inputParam : inputParams) {

		System.out.println("Received input parameter:id:" + inputParam.id + ":name:" + inputParam.name);
		logger.info("Received input parameter:id:" + inputParam.id + ":name:" + inputParam.name);

		inputParam.value = "Hello:"+inputParam.name+":"+sessionKey;
		System.out.println("Writing value:" + inputParam.value );
		logger.info("Writing value:" + inputParam.value);

		SaveResult result = new SaveResult();
		result.id = inputParam.id;
		result.newid = inputParam.id+":"+sessionKey;
		result.success = true;



	return saveResults.toArray(new SaveResult[] {});

Now, we can view the entire class below: 

Code Block
 package myappcode;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import com.appmashups.appcode.AppCode;
import com.appmashups.appcode.Context;
import com.appmashups.appcode.SaveResult;

import java.util.List;

public class HelloWorldSvc implements AppCode {

	public static class HelloParameter{
		public String id;
		public String name;
		public String value;

	public static class HelloFilter{
		public String key;

	private List<HelloParameter> initParams ;

	private String sessionKey;

	static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HelloWorldSvc.class.getName());

	public void close() throws RemoteException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello World AppCode close called:" + sessionKey);
		System.out.println("Hello World AppCode close called:" + sessionKey );
		sessionKey = null;


	public void open() throws RemoteException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		sessionKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
		logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello World AppCode Session opened:" + sessionKey);
		System.out.println("Hello World AppCode Session opened:" + sessionKey);

	public void setContext(Context arg0) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello World AppCode Set Context called");
		System.out.println("Hello World AppCode Set Context called");


	private void init() {

		initParams = new ArrayList<HelloWorldSvc.HelloParameter>();

		HelloParameter initparam1 = new HelloParameter();
		initparam1.id = "1";
		initparam1.name = "Scott";

		HelloParameter initparam2 = new HelloParameter();
		initparam2.id = "2";
		initparam2.name = "Tiger";

		HelloParameter initparam3 = new HelloParameter();
		initparam3.id = "3";
		initparam3.name = "Matt";



	public List<HelloParameter> readHello(HelloFilter filter){

		logger.info("Received Read operation with filter:" + filter.key + ":with session" + sessionKey);

		System.out.println("Received Read operation with filter:" + filter.key + ":with session" + sessionKey);

		List<HelloParameter> returnList = new

		for(HelloParameter initParam : initParams) {

			if(filter.key.equalsIgnoreCase(initParam.name)) {

				//Now set the value to "Hello":name:sessionId
				initParam.value = "Hello:"+initParam.name+":"+sessionKey;

				System.out.println("Matched Key:" + initParam.name + ":value:" + initParam.value );

				logger.info("Matched Key:" + initParam.name + ":value:" + initParam.value );


		return returnList;


	public SaveResult[] writeHello(List<HelloParameter> inputParams){

		List<SaveResult> saveResults = new ArrayList<SaveResult>();

		logger.info("Received write operation with session" + sessionKey);

		System.out.println("Received write operation with session" + sessionKey);

		for(HelloParameter inputParam : inputParams) {

			System.out.println("Received input parameter:id:" + inputParam.id + ":name:" + inputParam.name);
			logger.info("Received input parameter:id:" + inputParam.id + ":name:" + inputParam.name);

			inputParam.value = "Hello:"+inputParam.name+":"+sessionKey;

			System.out.println("Writing value:" + inputParam.value );

			logger.info("Writing value:" + inputParam.value);

			SaveResult result = new SaveResult();
			result.id = inputParam.id;
			result.newid = inputParam.id+":"+sessionKey;
			result.success = true;



			return saveResults.toArray(new SaveResult[] {});

Code Block
public void testReadHello() {

	try {

		HelloWorldSvc svc = new HelloWorldSvc();



		HelloFilter filter = new HelloFilter();
		filter.key = "Scott";



		} catch (Exception e) {



Image Added
Next, we will test the write operation. Here, we take Array of HelloParameter objects as input and the write operation prints it out.

Wiki Markup
public void testWriteHello() {
try {

		HelloWorldSvc svc = new HelloWorldSvc();



		HelloParameter param = new HelloParameter();
		param.name = "Test1";
		param.id = "id1";

		HelloParameter param2 = new HelloParameter();
		param2.name = "Test1";
		param2.id = "id2";

		List<HelloParameter> inputParams = new


	} catch (Exception e) {

Image Added
So, if we analyze the outputs of the read and write test runs, we find that the Read operation prints out the result from the init array that matches the filter by appending the session key.

The Write operation reads the input parameter array. Then, it prints the input parameter by prepending "Hello" to the name and appending the SessionKey to the same.

Now that we have developed our HelloWorldSvc AppCode implementation, it is time to deploy it to DBSync platform. Then, we will run a test workfow. 

For your reference, the complete code is given below: 

Code Block
 package myappcode.test;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import myappcode.HelloWorldSvc;
import myappcode.HelloWorldSvc.HelloFilter;
import myappcode.HelloWorldSvc.HelloParameter;

import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Concat;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.appmashups.appcode.Context;

public class TestHelloWorldAppCode {

	public void testOpen() {

		try {

			HelloWorldSvc svc = new HelloWorldSvc();




		} catch (Exception e) {

	public void testReadHello() {

		try {

			HelloWorldSvc svc = new HelloWorldSvc();



			HelloFilter filter = new HelloFilter();
			filter.key = "Scott";



		} catch (Exception e) {


		public void testWriteHello() {
			try {

				HelloWorldSvc svc = new HelloWorldSvc();



				HelloParameter param = new HelloParameter();
				param.name = "Test1";
				param.id = "id1";

				HelloParameter param2 = new HelloParameter();
				param2.name = "Test1";
				param2.id = "id2";

				List<HelloParameter> inputParams = new



			} catch (Exception e) {
