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Base Path : http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner


  1. registerUser: This api can be used for creation of new users.

Wiki Markup
It returns json for newly registered unique user.
POST [<span style="color: #1155cc"><span style="text-decoration: underline; ">/registerUser</span></span>|http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/registerUser]
Consumes : This api consumes *application/json* media type.
Returns : Json object
Produces : This api produces *application/json* media type.
To create user we can use HTTP POST method :
 Headers :  Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Body : 
**All parameters are required
partnerAppKey (Required): API appkey provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application.
partnerAppToken (Required): API token provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application.
endUserCompany (Required): User's Company Name
endUserName (Required): uniquely identifiable username.
*Response :* This will be json form.
Response will always be 200 HTTP OK
 \{  "value": \[    \{      "companyId": <span style="color: #880000">"9877"</span>,      "userId": <span style="color: #880000">"5773"</span>,      "userName": <span style="color: #880000">"TestComp001_User008"</span>,      "errorMessage": \[\]    \}  \]\}
If there are no error while creation of user then error message will be empty.
*CURL :* 
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '\{"partnerAppKey":"appkey","partnerAppToken":"apptoken","endUserCompany":"companyName","endUserName":"userName"\}' 'http://staging.mydbsync.com:80/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/registerUser'

  1. unregisterUser: This api is used for unregister an existing user for a partner.

Wiki Markup
It returns json result for the unregistered user request.
POST [<span style="color: #1155cc"><span style="text-decoration: underline; ">/unregisterUser</span></span>|http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/unregisterUser]
Consumes : This api consumes *application/json* media type.
Returns : Json object
Produces : This api produces *application/json* media type.
To create user we can use HTTP POST method :
 Headers :  Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
*Body :* 
**All parameters are required
partnerAppKey (Required): API appkey provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application to unregister for.
partnerAppToken (Required): API token provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application to unregister for.
endUserCompany (Required): User's Company Name
endUserName (Required): uniquely identifiable username.
*Response :* This will be json form.
Response will always be 200 HTTP OK
 \{  "value": \[    \{      "success": <span style="color: #008800">true</span>,
"companyId": <span style="color: #880000">"9877"</span>,"userId": <span style="color: #880000">"5773"</span>,"userName": <span style="color: #880000">"TestComp001_User008"</span>,"errorMessage": \[\]\}\]
If there are no error while unregistering user then error message will be empty.
If user is unregistered then success will be true.
*CURL :*
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '\{"partnerAppKey":"appkey","partnerAppToken":"apptoken","endUserCompany":"companyName","endUserName":"username"\}' 'http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/unregisterUser'

  1. authenticateUser: Authenticates an existing user (for a partnered application) to check if they have valid license to run the integration.

Wiki Markup
 It returns json for newly registered unique user.
POST [<span style="color: #1155cc"><span style="text-decoration: underline; ">/authenticateUser</span></span>|http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/authenticateUser]
Consumes : This api consumes *application/json* media type.
Returns : Json object
Produces : This api produces *application/json* media type.
To create user we can use HTTP POST method :
 Headers :  Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
*Body :* 
**All parameters are required
partnerAppKey (Required): API appkey provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application to authenticate for.
partnerAppToken (Required): API token provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application to authenticate for.
endUserCompany (Required): User's Company Name
endUserName (Required): uniquely identifiable username.
*Response :* This will be json form.
Response will always be 200 HTTP OK
 \{  "value": \[    \{      "companyId": <span style="color: #880000">"9877"</span>,      "userId": <span style="color: #880000">"5773"</span>,      "userName": <span style="color: #880000">"TestComp001_User008"</span>,      "errorMessage": \[\]    \}  \]\}
If there are no error while authenticating user then error message will be empty.
*CURL :* 
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '\{"partnerAppKey":"appkey","partnerAppToken":"apptoken","endUserCompany":"companyName","endUserName":"userName"\}' 'http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/authenticateUser'

  1. licenseDetails: Fetches license details of all (or single, using filter) users registered for the partner.

Wiki Markup
POST [<span style="color: #1155cc"><span style="text-decoration: underline; ">/licenseDetails</span></span>|http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/licenseDetails]
Consumes : This api consumes *application/json* media type.
Returns : Json object
Produces : This api produces *application/json* media type.
To create user we can use HTTP POST method :
 Headers :  Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
*Body :* 
partnerAppKey (Required): API appkey provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application to authenticate for.
partnerAppToken (Required): API token provided by DBSync must be present in body of request. This will help to uniquely Identify application to authenticate for.
endUserCompany (Optional): User's Company Name, If companyName in provided then all active user for that company will be retrieved.
endUserName (Optional): uniquely identifiable username, If username id  provided then all available user with that company will be retrieved.
Response : This will be json form.
Response will always be 200 HTTP OK
 \{  "value": \[    \{      "createDate": <span style="color: #880000">"2016-10-27 02:55:57.0"</span>,      "expiryDate": <span style="color: #880000">"2036-10-27"</span>,      "companyId": <span style="color: #880000">"9877"</span>,      "userId": <span style="color: #880000">"5764"</span>,      "userName": <span style="color: #880000">"TestComp001_User001"</span>,      "errorMessage": \[\]    \},    \{      "createDate": <span style="color: #880000">"2016-10-27 02:57:07.0"</span>,      "expiryDate": <span style="color: #880000">"2036-10-27"</span>,      "companyId": <span style="color: #880000">"9877"</span>,      "userId": <span style="color: #880000">"5765"</span>,      "userName": <span style="color: #880000">"TestComp001_User002"</span>,      "errorMessage": \[\]    \},---
If there are no error while licensing user then error message will be empty.
<span style="color: #444444"><strong>CURL :</strong></span>
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '\{"partnerAppKey":"appkey","partnerAppToken":"apptoken","endUserCompany":"companyName","endUserName":"userName"\}' 'http://staging.mydbsync.com/appcenter-2-2/appcode/v1/partner/licenseDetails'


  • Initialize the plugin by referencing the necessary files: 

    Code Block
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dbsyncwidget.min.css">
    <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://av-web.s3.amazonaws.com/ecw/dbsyncwidget.min.js"></script>
  • Add div on the page: 

    Code Block
    <div id="dbsyncwidget"></div>


  • Add javascript initialization in the script tag:


  • AppName - name of application to connect



  • ValidationUrl - API Url to check if application is connected


  • - example: https://<your_server>/ecw/verify/<connector>/<username>.
    ConnectUrl - API Url to connector page


  1. Add necessary files:

<link href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/dbsyncwidget.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/scripts/dbsyncwidget.min.js"></script>

  1. Add div:

<div id="dbsyncwidget"></div>

  1. Add script tag:


  • - example: https://<your_server>/ecw/connect/<process>/<connector>/<username>/<company>.  
Code Block
var dbsyncwidget = null;
var dbsyncButton;

var options = {
	appName: '<Display Label of the Connecting App>',
	validationUrl: 'https://<your_server>/ecw/verify/<connector>/<username>',
	connectUrl: 'https://<your_server>/ecw/connect/<process>/<connector>/<username>/<company>'

$(document).ready(function () {


	dbsyncButton = $('#dbsyncwidget');


	dbsyncwidget = dbsyncButton.dbsyncwidget(options);





Configuring Look & Feel (Optional)

  1. Add custom css styles:
Code Block
<link href="




css>" rel="stylesheet" />


Content of styles.css:


.modal-large {


	width: 60%;




.dbsync-widget-logo {


	outline: none;


	text-decoration: none;


	border: none;


	background: url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat 0 0;


	width: 100px;


	height: 30px;


	display: inline-block;


	margin: 5px;




.dbsync-widget-logo:hover {


	filter: brightness(105%);




.dbsync-widget-logo-connected {


	outline: none;


	text-decoration: none;


	border: 2px;


	background: url(../images/logo-connected.png) no-repeat 0 0;


	width: 100px;


	height: 38px;


	display: inline-block;


	margin: 5px;




.dbsync-widget-logo-connected:hover {


	filter: brightness(105%);




<docker and partner props>
Changes to be done in 2 following files

  1. partner.properties (inside "www/WEB-INF/conf/" folder)
  2. partner_profile.xml (inside "www/WEB-INF/conf/" folder)
  1. partner.properties (inside "www/WEB-INF/conf/" folder)

This file contains the below properties

  1. partnerAppKey(Required)
  2. partnerAppToken(Required)
  3. partner.app.qbdesktop.pdl(Required, if you are using QuickBooks Desktop)
  4. partner.database.driverClassName(Required)
  5. partner.database.url(Required)
  6. partner.database.username(Required)
  7. partner.database.password(Required)
  8. partner.profile.template(Required)
  9. dbsync.logger(Optional)
  10. log.database.driverClassName(Optional)
  11. log.database.url(Optional)
  12. log.database.username(Optional)
  13. log.database.password(Optional)



User Experience

  • The user sees a "Connect" button
    Image Added
  • On clicking the button, a Modal window opens up to, setup the connection. Image Added
  • If the connection is successful, the button changes its color and shows "Connected"
    Image Added
  • If there is an error, you will see the following message:
    Image Added