New Feature
CW-1635 Narvar Connector
- Built a new connector Narvar for one of our existing client Veto Pro Pac.
- Narvar provides companies with software that improves the post-purchase experience. That can include a better interface when it comes to shipping, more detailed text updates, and then of course options to return products and buy new ones
- DBSync Integrates the Order data for this client from Salesforce once the Order is shipped and has tracking number from Salesforce to Narvar application
- I will schedule a demo for this connector shortly
CW-1692 Narvar Connector Authentication task
- Bug fix for authentication error message was fixed for Narvar connector
CW-1685 Cannot login to appcenter if there is + symbol in user name
- Few user names with + symbol were unable to login to Cloud workflow and launch our Dev studio
- Dev fixed the issue with + special character
CW-1673 project or profile got deleted for d365 connector combination after registration
CW-1670 Flow name is missing in the log for the error
- Flow name inside the logs was not displaying for one of the projects for an existing client - Alrugaib Furniture
- Issue was related to improper message processing and the bug is fixed now
CW-1664 Connectors are disconnecting multiple times a week
- QB online connectors were getting disconnected frequently. The issue was with QB access tokens with
- The client reconnected to QB online and we observed them for about two weeks and the issue did not come up again
CW-1616 Connectors page is disappearing frequently
- Connectors' pages and profiles were disappearing for a few clients
- We found that profile.xml was either getting corrupted or getting empty
- Dev team has found a fix to do a check before every sync to find the profile.xml file is either corrupted or empty, retain the previous profile.xml file