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3. Now add the jars to the project dependencies class path and configure the build path in eclipse by using "Add Jars" button and then adding the jars present in the lib folder

4. Now create your main AppCode ApiCode Implementation class.

Note : Each AppCode ApiCode implementation must implement com.appmashups.appcode.AppCode interface

5. Now implement the default methods exposed by the AppCode ApiCode interface

5.1 Open – Method called , from the JavaAdapter to initialize the adaper adapter resources if any so that the latter can be used during the sync operation
5.2 Close – Method called by JavaAdapter to close the AppCode ApiCode service and release its resources if it is holding up any

5.3 setContext – Utility method exposed to allow Java Adapter to set the context with the necessary properties

6. Now see an example of how we have implemented app-code for MSNav.


8.Now change the relevant values in the appcodeapicode-deploy.xml file to point to the relevant locations and set the necessary properties
