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  1. 1.      Sync Broken, unable  Sync Broken. Unable to sync the records from Salesforce to QuickBooks .:

Following is the  error message getting appears when trying to sync the records.

SOQL statements cannot be empty.

Image Added


In Salesforce connector, under DBSync account, an EndPoint URL may be point pointed to 32.0 instead of 39.0.

So, need to reconnect the Salesforce to set 39.0 and later try for the . Once done, try to sync again.


After reconnecting  Saleforce  Salesforce under dbsync  DBSync  account. The End Point URL changed to 39.0

Image RemovedImage Added

  1. 2.       Unable to create Sales order Order and Purchase order Order from Skuvault to Quickbooks.

Following is the error message getting appears in DBsync logs.:

Error while initiating Writer Adapter                                                                                             Adapter:                                                                                             

<b>Error Trace :</b>com.avankia.appmashups.engine.conversion.ConversionException: com.avankia.appmashups.engine.conversion.ConversionException: Error Compiling: 07cc3bc5-5b94-42ea-804f-104955136ad4_map.xml = public Object VALIDATEROW() throws Exception{String custName = String.valueOf(getCustomer(VALUE("orderId"), VALUE("customer/companyName")));return.

804f-104955136ad4_map.xml, Line 4,Column 46: Class "SC" has no method  named"getCustomer".




Additional user defined javascript function need needs to be added for the project Skuvault and Quckbooks in order to sync sales orders and purchase ordersSales Orders and Purchase Orders

So please contact dbsync support  or you , contact DBSync support.  Or, you can send an email to support@mydbsync.com to raise the ticket to get resolveit resolved.