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  1. Go to https://login.salesforce.com/. Enter your Administrator User Name and Password and click on Login button.
  2. Select Setup from User Menu for the User - top right corner to see setup page.
  3. Scroll Down. Click on Manage Users on the left menu under Administration Setup.
  4. Click on Login History under Manage Users on the left Menu.
  5. You will be presented with a list of login history. Make note of your login IP address. IP addresses for all the logins are listed on the page.
  6. Scroll Down. Click on Security Controls on the left menu under Administration Setup.
  7. Click on Network Access under Security Controls on the left Menu.
  8. Click on New button on the Network Access page.
  9. Enter the IP Address - that you noted just few steps before - from Login History for Start IP Address and End IP Address. Click on the Save button.
  10. Once you click on the Save button, the IP will be listed in the Trusted IP Range.
  11. Security Token of your IP is added in Salesforce. Now, you are ready to access Salesforce from your computer.
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